Chapter 9.

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:Picture of Aiden:

Chapter 9: The Party (Part 2).

Damién turned and left the kitchen with a deep frown marrying his features, recalling what happened a few minutes ago, he was so captivated by her scent that, it was still ingrained in his mind, confusion clouded his head, it was not her perfume that he smelled, that redolence was exclusively hers and it nearly drove him insane. He still couldn't get it out of his brain.

Could it be? Is that possible?

Hundreds of thoughts swarmed through his mind, making his head spin. Lost in his thoughts he didn't see where he was going and bumped into someone. He was about to apologize, when he looked up and saw Aiden. Aiden noticed the frown on his face and decided to inquire.

"What's up with that face, dude?". He asked, slapping him on the shoulder, hard. Damién looked at him with a blank expression, contemplating wether to tell him or not, he was his best friend after all. At last he decided against it, pushing the thought in the back of his head, trying not to think much of it.

"Nothing, just dropped the warning". He replied, making his way towards his group of friends.

Aiden smirked and raised his eyebrow at him. "What are you planning this time?".

"You'll know, after my birthday". He smirked back.

"Man, why the suspense? just tell me!". He said, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Soon". Damién replied vaguely, ignoring Aiden and joining the circle, greeting Blake when he noticed him.

Alexandra was still in a daze, thinking about what just happened. His close proximity had made foreign feelings curse through her being, She had never felt like that before and in that one moment she had felt so many emotions at once that it had left her gasping for breath when he was not in the vicinity.

Fear was one of those emotions, She was scared and she had no idea why.

Someone shaking her shoulders rather violently had brought her out of her reverie, She looked up and her eyes locked with caramel brown orbs filled with concern of Julia.

"Are you alright?!". She exclaimed, still holding her by her shoulders.

"Y-yeah". Her voice came out hoarse, She cleared her throat, before speaking again."I'm fine".

"What did he tell you?". Danaya asked curiously.

"What he is full of. Bullshıt". Alexandra replied, her lips pursed in irritation as she remembered what he had whispered to her.

"You better watch your back, sweetheart".

As if.

She thought, snorting mentally. Before any of them could inquire any further, She walked past them out of the kitchen and out of the front door towards the woods.

Walking down the familiar route towards the clearing, She sat down at the edge of the cliff by the tree, when she reached and looked at the scenery in front of her, the black canvas of the sky filled with twinkling stars, the moon light illuminating the lake water below, She let her mind drift off to the earlier events, so many questions swarming through her head, but not being able to find the answers to them.

It has always been like this, the one state she didn't want to be in, the one state she hated with passion, had been the one she would often find herself in. Oblivion. And she didn't know until when would she be held captive by it.


Authors Note.


How's everyone doing?

Here is another chapter, hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps.

Till next time..........

Romaisa Choudhry✌

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