Chapter 13.

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:Picture of Iñigo:

Chapter 13: Million times.

"Are you really going to cross it? You do know what will happen if the council finds out about this, right?". Damién said, amusement clear in his tone of voice, his head tilted to the side slightly, looking at her intently, his hands shoved into his jacket pockets.

"Why don't you just say that you're going to snitch on me? And i don't expect any less from you". She said with a roll of her eyes, turning to look at him, Blake still didn't return her calls. She looked at her wrist watch to check the time, it was only 9:00 pm, before she continued walking towards the gate.

"Okay, i may not like you very much, but believe it or not i won't". He said nonchalantly. His face as usual bare of any emotion.

She stopped and looked at him, the moon light illuminating his profile, his hypnotizing brown orbs almost looking black in the dim light locked in an intense embrace with her blue ones, suddenly a golden shade passed through them and her eyes widen a fraction. She opened her mouth to voice what she saw, but before she could say anthing he blinked and they went back to normal making a frown appear on her face, a scrunching of leaves pulled them out of their trance and they looked towards the other side of the border, to see Charles emerge out of the dark.

"Hey, what are you doing here?". Alexandra said as soon as he crossed the border and came to stand next to them.

"I could ask you the same thing, kiddo". Charles replied, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Well, i asked you first". She said with a shrug of her shoulders. "And are you even allowed to do that?". She added pointing towards the gate of the border he just crossed, her face scrunched up in confusion.

"Yes, i actually am". He answered nodding at her and ignoring her former question, then he looked at Damién who was looking at the both of them with his eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion.

"You know her?". He asked Charles, raising his right eyebrow towards him.

"Oh, yeah! We met the other day". He replied to his question. While they conversed, which  Alexandra didn't pay attention to at all, She didn't even think about how they knew each other instead, she was thinking of ways to convince Charles to help her cross the border because if he was allowed to cross the border he was no doubt one of the authorised ones and he could help her, although she met him just yesterday/today and she didn't want to ask for his help but she has tried so many times and failed and this was the only way that could possibly workout, She even tried asking her father for help but he refused and Leo never wanted to be a part of her 'everyday adventures' as he called it and she couldn't ask her mother for obvious reasons. A ringing of a phone brought her back to reality from her thoughts and she felt the vibrations in her pocket, she took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID, her jaw clenched as soon as she saw who was calling before picking up the phone.

Think of the devil.......

"You are to go back home at once, I don't care wherever you are or whatever you're doing". She heard her say from the other side and then hung up the phone before Alexandra could reply, She removed the phone from her ear, her grip tightening around it, her jaw clenched in anger. Damién cleared his throat loudly making her gaze snap towards his direction she looked at him then her gaze fell on Charles standing beside him, She sighed as she figured that she would be going home empty handed tonight yet again.

"Well, I have to go, I'll see you around Charles. Adios". She said completely ignoring Damién standing beside him--to which he rolled his eyes--and turn around to walked back the way she had come from.

Damién stood there watching her retreating back, for some odd reason wanting to stop her, tell her to stay a little bit longer, He tried to fight these foreign feelings but it was hard, He couldn't seem to have comtrol over his thoughts nowadays. He stared until her profile was swallowed by the darkness of the night. Charles didn't miss the look on Damién's face as he watched her and he was pretty familiar with that sparkle he saw in his irises, for he has seen it way too many times not to recognize it, He stood there silently watching him, anticipating the question he knew was coming.

"Are you sure my mate can't be a human?". Damién said, his face expressionless yet his eyes looked vulnerable, hope clearly shown in them.

"You've asked that question a million times already and my answer is still the same. No". Charles replied with a sigh.


Authors Note.


How's it going?

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps and a big THANK YOU for giving my book a chance.

Till next time..............❤

Romaisa Choudhry✌👊

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