Chapter 19.

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:Picture of Julia:

Chapter 19: The Newbie. 

Alexandra breathed a sigh of relief, as soon as the bell rang, indicating the end of this gruesome class and the start of her last class of the day, She never thought she would be this eager to leave art class one day, it was her favourite, please take notice of the use of 'was', it's safe to say that she hated that class more than she hates peaches and peas now.

She was out of the classroom and down the hallway, walking towards her, AP Spanish on the other side of the building, even before the bell stopped ringing, not even sparing Damién a glace, at the notice of which, a sigh escaped Damién lips, shaking his head slightly.

How am i going to make her like me, when she can't even tolerate my presence?!

He thought, ruefully, before packing his stuff and making his way out of the classroom towards his Math class.

As soon as she left the class, it felt like she could finally breathe without his amazing cologne contaminating her air.

Did i just compliment his cologne?! Damnit, I need to see, Dr. Ronald soon!

She went to her locker first, dropping the previous books and grabbing the required ones, She reached room 111 in record time and entered, Julia and Blake were already sat in their usual seats at the back of the classroom, She stomped towards them, a frown still etched on her face and sat in the middle of them. The both of them looked at her in question.

"What wrong did that innocent white board ever do to you?" Blake asked, when she continued staring at it with a frown.

"I hate art class". She announced, her arms folded across her chest, while staring blankly at the front of the class room, Señora Matìas, was a bit late to class today.

"Wasn't it your favourite, though?" Blake asked, wanting to know the reason behind her frown, because it's always something very interesting when she is frowning, unless it was about something he did.

"Yes, it was. But, now it's not". She replied, her frown deepening.

"But, why?". Julia questioned, sharing the same curiosity as Blake.

"Because i just found out that i share it with the most annoying human being in the world! Do you know he is in my art class?!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation, almost giving Blake a nose bleed in the process. "And not only that, He is also my fuckıng project partner and not for only one project, but for the whole bloody year! And not to mention the fact, that suddenly he wants to befriend me! Like what the actual fųck?!" She exclaimed, without taking a breath in between, gritting her teeth, her jaw clenched, hands in tight fist in her lap, She started taking deep breaths trying to calm herself. 

"Are you talking about, Damién?" Blake asked, annoyingly, making Julia throw him the 'wrong move' look.

"No, fucking Brad Pitt!" She said, sarcastically, turning to look at him, her eyebrows narrowed. Her accent more pronounced because of her anger.

"You're brutally sarcastic this afternoon". Blake remarked and Alexandra opened her mouth to retort back, when Señora Matìas entered telling everyone to settle down and stop talking in English.

"We're having a sleepover at Danaya's, we'll talk there". Julia informed her, before focusing her attention at the white board in front of the classroom.


The three of them made their way out of the classroom and towards their respective lockers, dropping the unneeded books and grabbing the ones needed, She made her way towards the parking lot where Danaya, Blake and Julia were waiting for her, it was Danaya's sleek blue Tahoe's turn today.

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