Chapter 38.

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Chapter 38: Absurd.

Alexandra Wilfred had never been so conflicted about her emotions.

In fact, she controlled them. Only allowing herself to feel to an extent ever since she saw and understood how they had the ability to rule a human being if they weren't dominated by one first.

And it wasn't just herself who believed that she had some sort of a power over her emotions, it was the people who knew her too and while some of them didn't like it labeling it unhealthy, some on the other hand were considerably fascinated by this particular fact.

The only emotion she ever allowed herself to experience wholly was anger.

Anger was her best friend.

She was always high on it and apparently it was genetic, Leo had a very short temper too.

But now, running along this empty road at 6:00 in the morning, her thoughts the loudest they had ever been, the events from last night and the past couple of months not willing to leave her brain, she was not only high on anger but so many other uncontrollably unknown emotions that she didn't know she could ever feel.

She was somewhat of a stranger to herself before this too but, in this moment she felt like she really didn't know who she was. It was as if she was only familiar with the physical aspects of herself but, that too not completely.

She didn't even know how to explain it, the feeling was beyond obscure.

It has always been like this, as soon as she starts to think she is slightly aware of who she is, feeling that the puzzle that she is, is coming together slowly, feeling that she was getting closer to discovering all those secrets concomitant to her identity, she would ascertain something that would be way beyond her acquired knowledge and she would once again find herself at square one.

Even after the stoic faced butler had helped him inside, nodded at her in farewell and closed the door, Alexandra didn't know for how long she just stood there facing the closed doors with her hand covering the spot on her cheek that his supple lips had touched, experiencing all those unfamiliar emotions at once.

It felt like the skin there was going to burn off and not in a bad way. Not at all.

The horn from the car parked behind her had pulled her out of the trance and she turned to look at Julia, who had a creepy grin on her face though, she didn't say anything the whole ride except when they reached the Wilfred mansion, she had notified her of the fact that her face resembled a beetroot and Alexandra couldn't even provide a contradicting statement, for she could feel how hot her cheeks were.

She was simply unable to speak.

They both bidded each other good night and confirmed to meet at Blake's for the sleepover the next day and then she had left the car silently, now if she was even slightly in her wits she would've warned Julia not to even breathe a word of the prior events to any living soul out there but, she was not able to think straight at that time.

She didn't even know what had happened, for it all had happened so fast, the only proof of it happening was the tingling sensation on the skin of her cheek, it was the first time a guy --other than her father, brother and/or best friend-- had been so close to her and it wasn't just any guy. It was Damién Monteiro, her archenemy.

There was a time when she wouldn't ever back out of any of his stupid tricks without having the last word or making the last move, she made sure he was the one who will be left stunned in the end and not the other way around and it always was like that, until now.

Now it was all opposed to how it used to be.

The tables have turned, because now it was her who was left astonished after every encounter, with a jumbled up head for she was unable to understand his game, it was all mind-boggilng.

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