Chapter 34.

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Chapter 34: Cleopatra.

Alexandra parked her MINI Cooper at her usual parking spot in the school's parking lot and got out of the car, shivering slightly as a cold breeze swept past her, She pulled the lapels of her black leather jacket together before pulling the hood of her loose gray hoodie on top of her head.

The four of them didn't carpool today, because Blake was 'busy' though she knew he just wanted to be alone because day before yesterday was Ella's funeral and Alexandra could tell he was still having a hard time accepting that she was gone, however he said on her persistence that, he will be appearing in the classes after lunch he just wanted to spend some time with his mother.

Julia had a dentist's appointment or something like that and Danaya was too hungover from some party she went to last night to be bothered by 'the shithole called school' as amazingly phrased by her and Alexandra could've skipped too and stayed at home, if her fucked up brain wasn't bothering her with the million thoughts regarding what happened two days ago at the football field and Damién's place.


He was in everyone of those million thoughts, something about the way she used to look at him changed and she was having a hard time figuring out what it was. She didn't really detest his presence anymore in fact she almost liked it, She couldn't say that she knew the guy but, the one thing she knew was that there was more to the bad boy than what met the eye.

Now that, that they weren't at each other's throats everytime they met, there were so many things that she discovered about him and her infatuation towards him seem to increase everytime she did but why all of a sudden? That she was having a hard time wrapping her head around and that is why she needed a distraction if she wished to be sane and give her brain some rest and school was the best option.

That was until she saw Ace making his way towards her as she was walking towards the school gates. She wasn't really in the mood to deal with his creepiness, but she couldn't really offende him by ignoring him after acknowledging his presence.

"Hey". He greeted her as he stood in front of her as always dressed in black from head to toe, his raven hair swept to one side a thick strand fell across his forehead as he tilted his head slightly, his yellow-specked blue orbs fixated on her, his lips tilted into a small smile though it wasn't a warm one there was something about it, something about him too that she couldn't figure out.

But, while Ace made her feel incommodious in more ways than one, Damién's presence on the other hand made her feel all tingly inside and out and not in a bad way, not at all. It was the mixture of all the beautiful sensations combined and these new emotions scared her to no end.

"Hi". She replied, forcing a small smile to appear on her face, She was sure he could tell it was forced by the way his eyebrows slightly narrowed just for a fraction of a moment or two, if she wasn't looking at him she would've missed it.

"I heard what happened. How are you now?" Ace asked referring to the incident that happened two days ago and stepped inappropriately closer to her, smirking inwardly as he caught sight of Damién's car entering the parking lot from his peripheral vision.

"Good". She answered, not knowing how to feel about his revelation she didn't know he was present while that weird incident took place but, feeling extremely uncomfortable by his proximity and took a step back keeping her words short hoping he'd get the message and she'd be able to escape soon. He smelt good though.

She didn't hear what he said next, She could see his lips moving but no sound reached her ears for all her senses diverted towards a very familiar delicious scent, an intoxicatingly unique combination of rain and warm melted chocolate with a hint of something else that she couldn't recognize, her senses were so sensitive towards the scent she could smell it so thoroughly, making her eyes drop shut on their own accord as she sniffed deeply before opening her eyes and turning this way and that to find the source, for she couldn't really remember why it was familiar.

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