Chapter 7.

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:Picture of Damién:

Chapter 7: Mothers.

Pulling up in the driveway, Damién got out of the car and stalked towards the tall black gates of his family mansion. He was greeted by a maid, as soon as he entered, making his way into the house, he pushed open the big glass doors of the living room. There sat Maria Monteiro, dressed in yellow slacks and a white sleeveless top, engrossed in sorting some paper work, Damién greeted his mother by kissing the crown of her head.

"Where's Dad?". Damién asked, making himself comfortable on the plush black couch, opposite his mother.

"He went to the pack house to make some arrangements, it's only a week to go till the big day!". Maria Monteiro exclaimed excitedly.

"You're more excited for my birthday than me". Damién said, smiling at his mother fondly.

"Of course I am, it's going to be the most important day of your life, you're going to find your better half". Maria said, her eyes looking in the distance, as if reminiscing a fond memory.

"What if I'm the better one?". Damién said, pulling his mother out of her reverie.

"I'm pretty certain, it's going to be her". She replied, rolling her eyes at him.

"I haven't even found her yet and she's already won the favour of my mother, I don't want her!". He exclaimed, a playful lilt in his voice.

"You don't have to be jealous, darling. You'll always be my little boy". She said, getting up and kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm not little". He mumbled, with a little frown marrying his features.

She chuckled, shaking her head and made her way out of the living room towards the grand staircase.


Parking her car outside of her house, Alexandra noticed a gray Mercedes Convertible in the driveway before her and it was not Leo's.

Oh great, exactly what I needed!

She thought sarcastically and got out of her car. Entering the house, She was greeted by Lucinda and got the conformation of the arrival of her parents.

Now don't think she doesn't love her parents or something. In fact, She's actually kinda close to her father, well at least as close as she can be with him traveling around all over the world every other day. However, her mother was a whole different case, for some reason since they moved here four years ago, She started hating Alexandra, or that's what it looks like with the constant insults and taunts she throws at her whenever she's around and Alexandra has no idea why, She tried talking to her, wanting to know the reason behind all that hate, but that only made it worse, She's fine with Leo though, treats him the same way she use to back in London. But not the same with Alexandra.

Marilyn Wilfred is a very well-known ambassador, She had everything one could wish for, money, fame, beauty, a powerful, rich, handsome husband and a perfect family, well at least that's how the world saw it.

Alexandra entered the living room and saw her mother sitting on the couch, dressed in a black knee length skirt and white silk blouse, looking sophisticated as ever as usual with her legs crossed, sipping a cup of some expensive green tea, while sorting through her emails on her tablet.

"Hello, mother". Alexandra greeted, a tight lipped smile on her face.

"Well, well if it isn't Alexandra Wilfred. To what do I owe the pleasure of being in your precious presence?". Marilyn Wilfred said in a mocking tone, clearly not really pleased to see her, a disgusted snarl marrying her features.

There we go again.

Alexandra sighed. "Where's Dad?". She didn't bother hiding the annoyance in her tone this time.

"Ask him yourself, when he's back". She said and went back to her emails, completely ignoring her presence.

Alexandra opened her mouth to make a snarky remark than stopped, telling herself it was not worth it, She stalked towards the stairs and went to her room, the door slamming shut loudly behind her.


Authors Note.

Here it is. Hope you guys enjoy it, don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps.

Till next time........

Romaisa Choudhry.

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