Chapter 21.

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:Picture of Danaya:

Chapter 21: Unusual.

Alexandra called the police and asked Lydia to get home immediately, She didn't want to tell her the news on the phone, for she knew how much Ella meant to her.

She had told Alexandra, their stories of how much of wild teenagers they were in high school and how they tackled every obstacle they faced in life together as responsible adults after it, during almost every visit, She would often be the subject of their conversations when she would hang out with Blake.

She knew it's not going to be easy telling her the news face to face either, it's going to break her, but she also knew that it's going to make her stronger than she already is, when she finally accepts it. Lydia Foster, was one of those people who fed off their own pain to get back on their feet again after breaking down.

Blake was still recovering from the shock of the situation, not saying a word just standing there frozen in his spot and staring at the brutally scratched and scarred body unblinking, his olive complexion ghastly pale. And the wounds weren't inflicted by a knife or axe or a gun or something, it looked like, She was attacked by a wild animal, a very enraged wild animal. You could see the claw and bite marks almost everywhere on the body, She was almost unrecognizable, covered in blood from head to toe, her clothes ripped apart by the sharp nails of whatever had attacked her.

This was first time anything of this sort happened, in the four years that she lived here. Although, She always felt like something was off about this town, but she never found any proof, it was just a feeling, but not anymore, resulting in peeking her curiosity to an even higher level than it already was.

Alexandra tried getting Blake's attention a few times, trying to get him to look away from the gruesome sight in front of him, but to no avail, He was still as a statue. Ella was like a second mother to him, She babysat him all the time when his mother was doing triple jobs to get them stable, when his father left them broke, until his grandfather died and his mother inherited a huge sum of money as per his will. He was close to her, maybe even more than his own mother.

They finally managed to get him away from the body, when the police arrived with the ambulance and led them both to where their cars were parked on the side of the isolated path. The deputy apporoached them as soon as they were out of the woods.

"Deputy Arthur". He introduced himself as soon as he was standing in front of them. "Are you both okay?" He asked, his gaze moving from Alexandra to Blake, taking in his pale face and emotionless blue eyes, staring at him blankly. Alexandra knew she would have to answer, because Blake wouldn't say anything.

"Well, as okay as we can be after seeing that". She replied, looking up at the deputy, who was unusually tall, around 6'4", with  short brown hair, intimidating gray eyes, straight nose and well built, looked to be around his early thirties.

"Okay. Well, you both would have to come with me to the station for the interrogation and your parents have already been informed about this, they must be waiting for us". He informed and instructed them to get in the car.


As soon as they reached the police station, She found Lydia and her own parents there. Blake went straight to his mother, kneeling before her sitting form, taking her hands in his, She lifted her head slightly to look at him and Alexandra got a glimpse of her bloodshot eyes and a tear leaking out of her left eye as soon as she saw her son, before a painful sob racked through her and the both of them enveloped each at her in an embrace, sharing their pain with one another.

Alexandra's father approached her and without sparing a second asked her about what happened, She recited the whole thing in front of him, also giving a very through description of how the body looked, She glanced at her mother, who stood by the bench Lydia and Blake were sitting on, looking at it like it was the most nastiest thing she has ever seen in her whole life, which made Alexandra roll her eyes and move her attention back to her father, who was looking at her with a cautious accusation, which confused her a little.

"Are you sure you don't have anything to do with it?" Her father questioned, startling her, her eyes went wide and she looked at him in disbelief.

"What the hell, Dad?!". She said, incredulously. "Do I look like a wild beast with sharp claws and fangs to you?".

"I'm serious, is there something unusual happening to you?" Esteban asked, hoping that it wasn't what he was thinking, wishing for a little more time.

"That depends on, how you define unusual". She answered, with a shrug, still very much confused.

"I define it as something not usual". He replied, impatiently.

"I don't know, was something suppose to happen?" She asked, her eyebrows knitted in complex.

"So nothing unusual is happening, yet?" He asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Dad, can you just talk openly. What unusual things, what hasn't happened yet?". She asked, getting a little agitated.

"Nothing, sweetheart. You're good, I'm just worried about what happened". He told her, permitting himself to smile a little. "I'm going to go have a word with the deputy". He said and excused himself, leaving her looking at his retreating back in conflict.



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Here is it. A filler, but I hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps.



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Romaisa Choudhry✌

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