Chapter 39.

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Chapter 39: Undecipherable Intimation.

Saturdays were sleepovers at Blake's.

It had become an undecided tradition for the four of them.

And so, they were gathered around Blake's aesthetically funky living room right now, surrounded by white and red walls, a white L shaped long couch, blue and white striped round coffee table in the middle over a fluffy gray rug, bean bags of various colours scattered around the dark ebony wooden floors, a large TV screen across the couch hung on one of the red walls, a black coloured shelf was fixed on the right side beside the TV with thousands of pictures and a dark blue one on the left with the gaming system and DVD player set on it.

Lydia according to Blake-- was on a business trip and will be getting back on Monday so, it was just the four of them.

Julia and Blake were enthusiastically competing against each other playing Mario Kart, a very hungover Danaya was sprawled over an orange bean bag, snoring and Alexandra --who was sitting on the couch staring blankly at the wall above the TV screen-- was on her way towards having a mental breakdown with all the thoughts going through her head.

She had been trying to stop these thoughts but, those damn eyes and that intoxicating scent wouldn't leave her head, it felt as if the earlier events had awakened something inside of her, a part of her that had been unknowingly detached from her all this time.

She kept seeing those eyes again and again flashing on the curtain of her brain like an undecipherable intimation. Unwilling to even be forgotten for a moment.

The whole scene from this morning haven't left her head since that exquisite wolf ran away and disappeared into the thick trees just a couple of minutes after she touched it, she didn't even get to run her hand through it's luscious fur.

Oh wow! Now, I'm disappointed that I didn't get to feel up that wolf!! Somebody tell me what the fuCk is wrong with me?! Goodness!!

A tap on her shoulder pulled her out of her reverie and she looked towards her right to see Blake sitting beside her on the couch, frowning at her in curiosity.

"What's up with you?" He questioned, knowing something was going on, she was even more quieter than usual.

"Why would you think something is up?" She mumbled, staring at him with the same stoic face she has had since she arrived.

"You've literally been sitting in the same position, staring at that wall with that blank as fuCk expression of yours since you got here. I don't just think something is up, I know it is". He interpreted as a matter of fact.

"I feel like my head is going to explode". She said, rubbing her temples lightly.

"Were you at the party too last night?" He asked, thinking maybe she was hungover like Danaya.

"What party?" She intoned, looking at him in confusion.

"You just said your head hurts so, I thought maybe you went with Danaya last night". He explained.

"No I wasn't at the party. I was in the woods last night". She stated, playing with a loose tread on the black cushion in her lap.

"What were you doing in the woods?" Blake questioned, hoping she didn't try to cross the border again without him, though he always complains about these nightly trips to her on the outside but, they were some of the most fun moments the both of them had shared, he always looked forward to it.

Alexandra eyes met Julia's, who was sitting on a blue bean bag besides Danaya with her attention focused on them and she shook her head at Alexandra in an answer to her unspoken question, confirming that she didn't tell them anything yet.

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