Chapter 29.

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Chapter 29: She's a Werewolf.

Overanalyzing or overthinking.

Something that is mostly based on one's assumptions and most of the time those assumptions are false and in the end you realize that you were tiring your brain cells for absolutely nothing. Women tend to do it more so than men and therefore, Alexandra Wilfred was no exception.

She's been overthinking the events that took place in the past couple of weeks. Overthinking every word, every action, every glance that she noticed like the silent observer that she is and has been jumping from one assumption to the other and tiring her brain over it by thinking, her thoughts louder than they've ever been before to the point where she had to tell her brain to shut up out loud.

She was sure of the fact that she still didn't like Damién but, She wasn't unaware of the other little fact that the intensity of that detestation was much lesser than before. Although, She has been trying her hardest to ignore the latter but, it was proving to be much harder than she thought.

There was just something about him it has always been there. He always stood out, his presence always demanded her attention whether it be in a good or bad way but, He never effected her the way he was now, much more intense and not quite in a bad way.

She hated it. She hated how he was effecting her this way that the only thoughts that took residence in her brain for the past couple of weeks were all about him.

She hated how he made her feel everytime he was around, She hated how those damn butterflies start fluttering their wings in her stomach whenever he looks at her with those golden-brown caramel coloured orbs, She hated how his deep and husky voice sent chills down her spine and not the bad kind, She hated how she gets goosebumps whenever he smiles at her.

But, most of all she hated how she knew she didn't really hate any of those things, that they made her feel good, that it was all so refreshing, the change that happened so suddenly between them, that she didn't really care about what was the reason behind it all, that she wanted to give in and without a fight which was so unlike her but, she knew she wouldn't for she has never been so confused before than she was now, every fibre in being demanded answers and answers she would get one way or the other.


Damién paced the length of his father's office, the one at the mansion while Charles sat on the couch looking at him almost bored of watching him for he has been doing that for the past twenty minutes, hasn't said a word except when he called and told him to meet him at the mansion. It was too risky to discuss this whole matter at the pack house.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on anytime soon?" Charles asked, getting tired of waiting and also remembering that he had to report to the Alpha for an important discussion so, he needed to wrap this up before he had to go.

"She's my mate". Damién blurted out, turning to face him looking all sorts of disheveled.

"Who's your mate?" Charles questioned, curious to find out more about the future Alpha female.

"Alexandra Wilfred!". He said. "But, you said my mate can't be a human?"

"Yes, I did". He replied, calmly his large frame resting back on the couch giving off a devil-may-care vibe yet his features filled with the wise glow.

"But, she is a human!" Damién said, impatiently wanting to know all the answer, he hated being so confused so out of the loop all the questions circling around his head were giving him a migraine.

"And who told you that?" He questioned, his face not portraying any emotions.

"What do you mean?" Damién asked, scratching the top of his head like a confused child, his thoughts even more jumbled now.

"I mean exactly what I said who told you that she is a human?" Charles repeated his question again.

"I-I just know, I mean if she wasn't I would've known, I would've been able to sense her Wolf". He interpreted, looking at a annoyingly relaxed Charles.

"And how exactly would you have known that? She's still seventeen she hasn't shifted yet" Charles said, his left eye brow raised in question.

"Yes but, I have and I can sense the changes in those who haven't but, she's not a Werewolf!" Damién said, plopping himself down in the recliner opposite the small white couch where Charles was seated.

"Or maybe you can do that because they belong to your pack. Aiden is your Beta and Julia is from your pack that's why you can sense their Wolves, while your mate hasn't shifted yet nor is she from your pack". Charles explained and was met with silence which remained for few more moments as Damién let his words sink in.

"But, she's my mate" He said, uncertainly.

"Unmarked". Charles reminded him.

"So, you think she's a Werewolf?!" Damién asked, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"I know she's a Werewolf". He replied, smirking slightly.

"How?" Damién questioned, his eyebrows knitted together.

Charles got up from the couch and walked towards the bookshelf parallel to the couch, he shuffled through a few books looking for a particular one and found it on the very top of the shelf.

It was a large and thick book and a very familiar one, the corners of the pages a blackish yellow portraying it's old age, it was mandatory for every Were to be familiar with every word written in that book before their training irrespective of their rank.

It held the events of the great war between the Werewolf's and the Rogue's who teamed up with the Vampires to destroy The Kingdom of Belleza.

He grew up listening to the tales of the great sacrifices of the King and Queen and then learning from it.

"Do you remember the whole story?" Charles questioned, walking back towards the couch the book in his hands.

"Of course". Damién answered without missing a beat.

"Then you must remember the part where the son of the witch dropped one of the twins and vanished with the other one?" He said.

"I do". Damién replied.

"He took the toddler and the little girl away with him". Charles continued.

"I know, can you please get to the point?!" Damién exclaimed, impatiently.

"Here read this". Charles said, handing him the book opened at the last page and pointing at the family tree of the Royals. "Look at the very end, the three children of King Julien Gonzalo the III and Queen Dolcé".

Damién eyes moved towards the end of the page where the three names were written in a gold cursive letters and as soon as he read those three names his eyes widened.

Prince Leonardis Gonzalo the V.

Princess Alexandra.

Prince Xavier Gonzalo the III.

His mate is Royalty!!!


Author's Note.


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