Chapter 41.

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Chapter 41: "Hey, me?" 

Alexandra Wilfred walked down the hallway and was about to turn around the corner to get to her Art class, when she stopped and the last week's class went through her head, she didn't want to go through the same scenario again.

She was dreading sitting beside him for the whole of forty-five minutes and enduring the awkward silence because the Damién Arsehole Monteiro refused to talk to her.

For a reason she was unaware of and now not even interested in finding out.

She wasn't the one to talk a lot either. Infact, she actually tried to stay away from people who had a habit of talking a lot, no offense to anyone out there so, she was pretty much fine with the silence.

But, there was something in the air when the two of them were around each other that made the silence thick with tension and made the need to say something necessary.

And then there was the way he smelt, it fuCks with her already fuCked up brain and fries it even more, because for some bizarre reason her modified nose found no difference between his scent and the scent of the wolf from the woods, the only difference was his cologne, which smelled so good too and everytime the thought crossed her head, she couldn't help but think that she had finally officially lost it.

Seriously Alex?! How could a fuCking human being and an animal smell the same and so fuCking good?! Thank God I already called for an appointment with Dr. Reynolds, because by God something is seriously fuCking wrong with me!!

Lost in her thoughts she didn't realize when she had started walking again and now she stood outside the classroom and took a deep breath to ease her nerves but, all it did was the exact opposite when that dreadfully intoxicating scent smacked her right in the face.


With these frustratingly murderous thoughts she slammed the door open, unwantingly gaining the attention of everyone present there and entered the classroom, her eyes immediately met his molten caramel brown ones and she felt shivers run through her entire being and that pissed her off even more.

Thankfully Mrs. Khalid hasn't arrived yet or the dramatic entrance she had just made would've earned her a lecture.

Damién saw the fire in her eyes and immediately knew something was wrong and he had a hunch it might have something to do with his presence.

She threw her bag by the side of her chair and settled into the seat, flinching and shivering every few seconds, which didn't go unnoticed by Damién and he knew what it meant.

She refused to look at him, her gaze was fixated on the clean white board, for she didn't want to tempt herself even more to murder him than she already was by looking at his perfect face.

Seriously?! You are supposed to be mad at him!! He's fuçking ugly!!

On the other hand, Damién was trying to summon the courage to talk to her which was proving to be a very difficult task and the deadly look across her beautiful face wasn't really encouraging either.

But, despite being scared for his life he managed to get a small greeting out of his mouth.

"Hey". He cringed as soon as he heard how squeaky his voice sounded, regretting not clearing his throat and he knew she had heard him but, he didn't get a reply, not even a glance of acknowledgement.

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