Chapter 30.

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Chapter 30: "Mates".

Damién stopped outside the public library's entrance as soon as he reached. He could see her sitting on one of the tables nearest to the windows through the glass doors, dressed in a lose burgundy sweater and thick dark blue jeans, her brown hair tied loosely in a bun atop her head a few strand falling around her face that was as always bare of any make up. The library was unusually empty today except her and the librarian, it was starting to rain outside now, while just an hour ago it was slightly sunny.

She was busy sketching on her sketchpad not really paying attention to her surroundings looking even more beautiful than she did earlier in the parking lot. How was that even possible? He didn't know the answer to that question either.

He took a few deep breaths to try and compose himself before facing her but, it only resulted in making him and his Wolf more restless as her glorious scent hit his senses and he groaned inaudibly.

Goddess! This girl is going to be the end of me!!

He thought and took one last deep breath before pushing the door open and walking inside, nodding at the librarian as a greeting he turned towards her direction and started making his way towards the table, her scent getting stronger with every step making him all the more crazier.

He stood in front of the table looking at her who was still inspecting her work and adding little more details to the portrait and suddenly she stopped when the amazing scent radiating off of someone standing close to her tickled her nose and she took a slight sniff, the action did not go unnoticed by Damién and a smirk made it's way on his lips.

She looked up and unknowingly a smile made it's way on her full pink lips that she tried to hide by bitting the corner of her bottom lip, pleasantly surprising Damién. She saw his face lit up with a smile of his own before she looked away and he took a seat in front of her on the chair, no words were said between them as the both of them got busy in their own work exchanging a few words here and there about the portraits and details after. He was dressed in a plain white shirt with his signature leather jacket and black jeans paired with black converses, his hair combed back in a messy way atop his head as if he had been running fingers through them.

They were working quietly when he caught her tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear and he wasn't able to take his eyes off of her. He never thought he would go from hating her to being this infatuated by her but, it wasn't that unpredictable either for she has always stood out.

She was the only one who could put him in his place by trowing his shít right back at him, she was the only one who looked  him right in the eye and didn't give two shíts about who he was or about how everyone in school seemed to worship the ground he walked on.

His charismatic personality and looks did not have any effect on her like the way it did on other girls and he understands why now.

She always used to call him a peasant whenever they had their bickering sessions and he would retaliate by throwing in an even more insulting come back but, now looking at her and all the new information that he just discovered about her made him realize how unknowingly accurate that one word statement that she used to say about him was because if she were to call him that right now, He wouldn't be able to do anything except agree with it for she was truly a Queen and he was just a mere peasant in front of her, unfortunately though she was unaware of that 'little' fact.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, when she noticed him staring at her without blinking, pulling Damién out of his trance and earning a small smile.

"Because I can". He answered, the smile still on his lips with his left eye brow raised arrogantly. His deep voice almost made her shiver like it always did and she tried to control them by taking a deep breath though a frown took over her features after this statement of his.

"Okay. You know what?" She started, placing the pencil in her hands on the table and intertwining her fingers in front of her, her features stoic and solemn. "I've been thinking over what you said about us being mates and I realized I don't have anything to lose even if it's one of your schemes but, the thing is you were right about one thing it's not as exciting as butting heads with you and the way I'm imagining things would be after we become friends is extremely boring so, I decided that I'd rather ignore you than be nice to you". She finished off with a smile.

He was caught off guard at what she said in the beginning before he realized what she really meant by it and he almost laughed but bit his lip to push it back and answered.

"Just because what you're imagining is boring, seriously?!" Damién said, giving her a flat look. "And how can you even tell it's going to be boring when we are not even 'mates' yet?" He said, air quoting the word mates.

"First off, don't mock me and secondly because from the past few days, you know since we dropped the whole insulting-each-other routine. Whenever I get out of the school gates after a day ends I feel like I was supposed to do something and I didn't and then I realize I didn't insult you--". She was saying when he cut her off.

"Are you trying to say you miss talking to me?" Damién said, with a smug look covering his features.

"No, I'm trying to say I miss insulting you". She retorted, with her lips tipped up in an annoyingly innocent smile but, instead of annoying him it made him smile.

"Okay. Even if we don't become friends we're still not going back to the way we were before either and ignoring each other is even more boring then why not just be friends like normal people?". He tried once again to get her to change her mind.

"Oh no, you don't know how much fun ignoring someone can be especially if you know it's bothering them and I love bothering you". She interpreted with a mischievous smirk.

"You just said you miss insulting me and you can still do that if we become friends and then you wouldn't feel like you're missing something". He suggested and hoped she would go with it, getting insulted by her was way better than being ignored by her.

"Exactly, I miss insulting you but, I love bothering you so, when I see you being bothered by me ignoring you I won't be missing anything". She finished off with the same smirk.

"You're brutal, you know that?". He said with a light exasperated chuckle.

"I do and oh fūck I'm late". She said looking at her wrist before getting up and started gathering her stuff, they were done with their work except for a few little details that she was suppose to add.

"Well, I guess I'll see you ignoring me around". He said, giving up and earning a smile from her at this statement. "Do you need a ride?" He asked and was now packing his own stuff.

"No, Thank you". She said and turned making her way towards the door. He looked at her before shaking his head and looking away.

"Hey, Damién!"

He looked up to see her standing a few steps away from the table and raised his eyebrow in question.

"Let's give it a try. It might not be that boring". She said and winked at him before turning and walking out of the door leaving him grinning from ear to ear.


Author's Note.


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Romaisa Choudhry✌❤

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