Chapter 44.

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Chapter 44: Blue Eyed Beauty.

Damién sat by the kitchen island enjoying his Orange juice after a refreshing run, momentarily unaware of his surroundings, lost in his head when suddenly his beautiful mother made an appearance.

"Get ready! You're going shopping with me." She instructed, as soon as she entered the kitchen, dressed in a pair of black slacks, a white silk blouse and heels, her hair in a neat bun atop her head, her bag on her arm.

"Shopping? What for?" He asked, confused.

"Have you forgotten? Today's the ball and I need to get a dress". She said, urgently.

"I thought you were going with Auntie Linda?" He intoned.

"Yes I was but, she got a call from the hospital and she had to go, it was an emergency and because I don't want to go alone, I'm telling you to come with me". She interpreted, by the look on her face it didn't look like that was the only reason as to why she wanted him to go with her.

"But you know I hate shopping, Ma". He said, already knowing that no argument would work on the determined look his mother had on her face and dreading the upcoming few hours of pure indecisiveness on his mother's part.

"Go put some clothes on and hurry up. I'm waiting for you in the car". She ordered and left the kitchen, ignoring what he said.

Damién sighed, walking out of the kitchen towards the stairs and up to his room, picking up the first pair of pants and a shirt that he got his hands on, donned it and left the house towards his mother's black Mercedes Benz c180 waiting in the driveway.

The inside of the car was quite for the first few minutes, until his mother broke it with a question, which confirmed his doubts about her having ulterior motives behind this sudden shopping trip.

"You're taking Sarah this year too, right?" She asked, looking at him like she already knew the answer, but just wanted him to confirm it.

Sarah was the daughter of one of the business associates of his father, who his mother for some reason adored.

She was the 'it' girl in the eye of the society, with her beauty and brains she was everyone's favourite.

He didn't particular dislike her but, he didn't like her either, for she was a little bit clingy and possessive over him, even though they had never been committed and now that his mother had just mentioned her, he was a little worried about the tense atmosphere that her presence was going to cause.

"Why would I do that?". He answered her question with another.

"What do you mean by that? You took her last year so, I assumed that you would this year too". She intoned, confused.

"I only took her because you asked me too". He replied, looking out the window at the trees passing by.

"So, it's not her. Who is it then?" She asked curiously, dreading the answer.

Damién turned his head to look at his mother, for some reason she looked scared about his answer and he couldn't understand why so, he decided to keep it to himself for now.

"It's a surprise, you'll have to wait until tonight". He answered and as she was about to voice out her next thoughts, the car came to a stop.

They were parked outside Maria's favourite boutique twenty minutes later. They walked inside and were immediately greeted by the manager and after asking what type of a dress his mother was looking for, she led them to the second storey where all the ball gowns and the accessories to go with them were.

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