Chapter 1.

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:Picture of Alexandra:

Chapter 1: "Hola, amigos".


She was surrounded by the colour red, painful howls of the giant wolves, screams, sobbing, cracking of bones and the stench of death. She stood in the middle of a battle field , looking at the green grass getting painted in blood. It was as if she was there witnessing the brutal sight in front of her, but the warriors were unaware of her innocent presence, She saw them brutally killing each other and screamed for them to stop, but no one seem to hear her, She wanted to escape this horrible nightmare, but it seemed like there was no way out, for everywhere she looked she saw the giant creatures killing each other mercilessly.

She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to see anymore of this gruesome scene playing in front of her, She stood there for a while not moving, her blue orbs closed tightly, until she heard a distant scream of her name being called. She looked around her trying to locate the person calling her, She heard it again, it sounded like a painful plea to be saved.

She looked around frantically, and saw a flash of a white dress behind a big oak tree, She started walking towards it cautiously and stopped in front of the figure sitting against it, their head bowed down, their face curtained with the luscious dark brown hair, preventing her from seeing their face, they called out for her again but this time it was only a whisper. 

She crouched down and tilted their head up, brushing away their hair to reveal a beautiful face of a woman, her face was bruised badly and her left arm was bleeding, claw marks visible on it, She flinched upon seeing the wound, She tore the corner of her black lace dress and tied it around her arm to stop the bleeding.

"Run". The woman said, her voice almost inaudible but she managed to hear it." Run before they get to you, They are here for you, it's not safe. Please go and find your way out.". She said desperately , her blue eyes looking into her identical ones pleadingly.

Before she could say anything, a giant brown wolf lunged towards their direction from behind the woman, she screamed and backed away seeing the wolf dig it's canines into her neck slowly draining the life out of her.

It threw the woman's lifeless body away and gazed at her with it's predatory gaze, it slowly started walking towards her and she started backing away, her back hit the tree and she looked at the deadly beast moving towards her, the wolf stopped when it was in front of her, neither of them moved for a while.

Slowly it's snout moved towards her neck, nuzzling it taking in her scent the wolf growled and dug it's sharp canines in the curve of her neck, where her neck and shoulder met, marking her for eternity.


Alexandra woke up with a start, waking up from the same dream She is been having since She turned seventeen a few months prior. She looked at the clock on her beside table, it was 5:36 AM, She knew she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, it was miracle anyway that She actually fell asleep, her insomnia got worse after she turned fifteen, she rarely ever slept at night.

She was about to get out of bed, when suddenly her bedroom door burst open and in came Leonardis.

"Do you ever stay at your place?". Alexandra said rolling her eyes, She tied her long brown hair into a messy bun atop her head and turned to face Leo, who was still standing at the door, She raised her perfectly plucked eyebrow silently asking him what was up with him. Leo was three years older than her, in the sophomore year of his college. His apartment was an hour away from the valley and their family house.

"Go for a walk?". He asked, looking at her expectantly.

"Fine, let me just change, i'll be down in a bit". She said, making her way towards the bathroom. She changed into a pair of blacks yoga pants, a gray tank top with a gray hoodie on top. She made her way down the stairs, Leo was waiting for her in the living room, She went to the kitchen grabbing a cereal bar and bottle of water, they went out of the front door, walking out of the long drive way, they took the route through the woods that led to small clearing. It was still a bit dark since the sun wasn't out yet.

"So, what's up?". She said once they sat near the tree on the edge of the cliff, knowing her brother wanted to get something off his mind.

"Why do you think something's up? I just wanted to spend some time with you, it's been a week since i last saw you". He said looking at the scenery in front of him, his blue eyes avoiding contact with her identical ones.

"I know you better than you think, hermano". She said, rolling her eyes at his statement.

"Fine, but promise me first that, you won't freak out". He said looking at her with a serious expression on his face.

"Okay......". She trailed off, waiting for him to start talking.

"Okay, here we go. You remember on my eighteenth birthday party, when you said i always start acting weird whenever your best friend is around?". He said, She nodded confused where this conversation was going.

"That was because,". Leo kept stuttering, She let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fucking tell me already". A fact about Alexandra Wilfred, not a patient person.

"Ilikeher". He said in a rush, hoping she got it so he doesn't have to say it again, admitting it to someone out loud made it  even more real and he got even more scared, because he has always been somewhat of a player, relationships were never his cup of tea.

"What?". She said, with furrowed eyebrows. Leo took a deep breath, before looking into her eyes and repeating every word slowly.

"I. Like. Her". He said, waiting for her reaction, for a second She looked shocked then, She burst out laughing, looking at the confusion covering her brothers features.

"What's so funny?". He said in a irritated voice.

"Me and Blake made a bet on, how long will it take you to admit your feelings for her and i won". She said wiping fake tears from her eyes.

"You guys knew?". He said bewildered.

"Bro, i wouldn't be surprised if the whole group knows, except Julia of course". She said.

"Am i that obvious?". He muttered more to himself then her.

"Anyways, you do know she's still seventeen right?". She asked.

"I know, and i'm willing to wait, it's weird what i feel for her. I've never felt it before for anyone, it's so strong, the connection". He said, his eyes looking distant.

"Are you going to tell her?". She asked.

"No! I don't even know if she likes me or not and besides you said it yourself, she isn't even legal yet". He explained looking at the sun rising above the horizon, spreading different shades of yellow and orange on the plain white canvas of the sky ." And let's go, it's 6:30, you have school". He added standing up and offering her his hand, She took his hand and stood up. The walk back from the clearing was silent , both of them lost in their own thoughts.

As soon as they got inside the small white front gate a voice they were all too familiar with greeted them.

"Hola, amigos".


Authors Note.


So the first chapter is done (Alhumdulillah), i hope you guys enjoy it, comment if you do and for dedication also and also don't forget to click at the star at the end of your screen because that would really help.

Till next time.............

Romaisa Choudhry.

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