Chapter 27.

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Chapter 27: "Damn, You're hot!" .

"You can't tell anyone about it, though". Said Damién, slightly turning to look at her, as the both of them walked down the crowded hallways, side by side, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look at the supposed rivals, holding a conversation for once, instead of killing each other.

"Why not?" Not that she was going to, but she asked out of curiosity anyway. "Are you shy?" She added, amused at the idea of this so called bad boy being shy.

"Me and shy? Yeah, right". He said, in his usual bad boy attitude, making her roll her eyes. "I'm not shy, I just think it's not normal and not everyone's reaction is going to be like yours, not that I care, but still". He interpreted, casually, trying to keep the urgency out of his voice, people didn't need to know anymore then they already did.

"I wasn't going to, anyway". She replied, voicing her thoughts and the both of them continued walking towards their lockers, which were located just a couple of lockers down from one another, as a comfortable silence fell between them, both of them minding their own business. The smile on Damién face wouldn't falter, his wolf was purring at being beside his mate.

"Well, this is strange". Alexandra said, a small smile on her lips.

"What is?" Damién questioned, turning to look at her, well her locker that hid her face behind it.

"We're talking and not insulting each other. Congratulations, we held a normal conversation for more than a minute". She answered, facing a amused looking Damién.

"Well, congratulations to you too". He said looking at her, chuckling lightly. Both of them unaware of the pair of starling blue, yellow specked orbs trained onto them, following their every movement.

Ace started walking towards the two of them, smirking as he noticed Damién's back stiffening, before he even reached them. He could smell the anger and apprehension radiating off of him, that he was trying to keep at bay, making his smirk widen.

"Alexandra". Ace said, as he now stood behind her. Her named rolled off his tongue easily, as if it had been said one too many times, making Damién's jaw clench, his hold tightening onto his locker.

"Ace, hey". She said, his fingers dig into the small metal door, as soon as he heard her greeting him.

"Hey, you headed to the dining hall?" He asked, his gaze briefly drifting towards Damién and as their gaze met he smirked slightly, when he saw how hard he was trying to control himself.

"Yeah". She replied, closing her locker and facing him fully, now. Not that she wanted too, but his presence reminded her of the events that took place yesterday and she remembered that he would be sitting with her group at lunch today since, She knew she couldn't back out if this. "Join me". She said and as soon as the words escaped her lips, a loud bang was heard from behind her, startling the living day lights out of her and a few people, who lingered around.

Turning she saw Damién, walking hurriedly down the hallway before turning the corner into the hallway opposite the dining hall, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion and shock.

"Well, He sure knows how to be dramatic". A voice drawled out lazily beside her, making her look upwards at Ace. As usual dressed in all black, except for the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath his black leather jacket.

"You know him?" She asked, curiously, remembering the glaring competition between them in P.E the other day.

"Not really". He answered, his intimidating gaze now settled on her, making the familiar uncomfortable feeling crawl upon her, as it did everytime she was in his presence. "I just know that he doesn't really like me. I wonder why, though". He added, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders. Though his face didn't display any expression, there was something about the way he said that statement, almost mockingly, as if he knew the answer to his own question all to well.

It was no secret that he made her feel uncomfortable, honestly she wouldn't be surprised if he knew that too, but he also intrigued her just as much, she was curious about him and she couldn't deny the fact that the bloke was good looking.

"Well, let's go". She said and started walking towards the dining hall, upon entering her gaze immediately landed on to her usual table, where her friends sat, chatting and laughing.

Blake was the first one to noticed the both of them, as they made their way towards the table. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Hey guys". She greeted, looking at the confused, almost drooling and a mixture of uncomfortable and angered expressions of, Blake, Danaya and Julia, as they looked at Ace, beside her.

"This is Ace, the one I told you guys about the other day". She didn't.

"Ace, these are my friends, Blake, Danaya and Julia". She introduced them to each other, before taking a seat and looking at her friends, still in the same state, staring at him like he was some kind of an alien. She kicked Blake under the table, making him groan, before recovering quickly as he noticed the glare she sent his way and greeting Ace.

"Hey, man". Blake said, pulling Danaya and Julia out of their trance, followed by their greetings, as he took a seat on the right side of Alexandra, She now sat in between him and Blake

She noticed, his gaze lingering on Julia and the smirk he sent her way, as soon as their gazes locked, it didn't portray that he was attracted to her or something, it was mocking, almost as if to tell her, He knew something that she didn't.

"So, Ace how are you liking Arcane so far?" Blake questioned, in a sense of starting a conversation, trying to settle the awkward atmosphere a bit.

"It's beautiful". He answered, followed by Danaya, voicing her thoughts.

"Damn, you're hot!"

Oh boy! This is going to be a long lunch break.


Author's Note.

Assalamualaikum(peace be upon you)✋

How are you all beautiful people?

Here is the chapter, hope you enjoy it, please don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps.

And who do you imagine Damién as?

Keep reading and supporting 💕💗

Romaisa Choudhry✌❤

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