Chapter 43.

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Chapter 43: Choice.

"You're perfectly fine, Ms. Wilfred. There is nothing wrong with you, infact you seem much healthier now as compared to your past visits". Dr. Reynold said, as he walked back into his office and took a seat behind his desk, his kind green eyes settling on her sitting across him, his salt and pepper hair combed to the side neatly, the small soft smile that he had on his lips causing wrinkles to form at the corners of his wise eyes, analysing the file in his hands.

"Are you sure?" Alexandra asked, her voice laced with a distressed and uncertain lilt. "Not even with my brain?".

"Yes, I certainly am and your brain is functioning perfectly well too". He replied, calmly earning himself an exhausted sigh from her.

"Alright, I'll be on my way then. Thank you". She said, as she stood up.

"You're welcome. Take care".

Alexandra walked out of the doctor's office and made her way towards the lift, pushing the button to the ground floor, leaning against one of the cold walls, watching the doors close, she sighed softly and closed her eyes, fatigue taking over her.

All the thinking that her brain had been performing these past few months was taking a toll on her. She was tired, so very tired of thinking and overanalyzing only to end up blank, tired of looking for answers to the questions that just seemed endless, tired of not ever knowing anything that could possibly define something that she was.

She was close to giving up, close to just letting go of everything that she was and didn't know.

If it wasn't for the fact that the aforementioned unawareness was having a physical effect on her she would have given up on satisfying her curiosity a long time ago.

Her body was going through some drastic and fucked up changes that were getting intense and now somewhat painful even, what with the weird way her bones were cracking nowadays.

Sometimes it almost felt like a bone was breaking and reshaping, but that's impossible, right? How could a bone break and reshape all by itself while being attached to a living being?

Another set of unanswered questions that could be added to the pile of already overflowing ones in her brain.

She heard the 'ding' as the doors opened, getting out she walked towards the gates and then the parking lot, her eyes settling on Leonardis, who was leaning against his Mercedes, checking out his nails.

A small amused smile tipped her lips as she took in the concentration with which he was engaged in the said task.

"I think they'd look good painted scarlet". She mused, as she came to a stop next to him.

"I know, right? I was thinking the same thing". He replied, playing along.

She rolled her eyes playfully and walked towards the passenger side door and got in, he followed suit getting into the driver's side and putting the car into ignition got out of the parking lot.

"So, what did he tell you? How many brain cells have you lost?" Leo asked, as soon as they were on the road, driving towards their house.

"Actually, he told me it is working better than ever before". She replied, her head leaning against the backrest, gazing out the window at the blurring trees.

"Would you like to share, what's actually wrong with you?" He questions, wanting to know how much time did he have left before the inevitable confrontation.

"You know, everything would not be this fuCked up if I actually knew". She mumbled, chuckling humorlessly by the end of the sentence, not moving her gaze away to look at him. "At first, I thought maybe it was because of exhaustion or some internal fever or something like that due to which my body hurt, but the doctor just confirmed that I don't have any sort of fever or anything. Almost in every one of my monthly visits, he would tell me that I was weak because of the fatigue caused by my insomnia. He didn't even tell me that this time! He said I actually seem way healthier than before, I don't even know anymore!" She rambled, making the already brewing guilt inside of him peak.

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