Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16: 'You look beautiful'

Damién walked down the hallways of Arcane high as a freshmen, not that it was anything new, just another set of stairs more to climb. The school was too conscious about the students' health to install lifts in the school, it was a four story building.

Although, his summer had been really adventurous, with his Alpha training starting and all, his mood wasn't necessarily good today and there were a few reason for that, for starters, He was late on his first day of high school. A fact about Damién Monteiro, as the future Alpha, He values punctuality and that's why, as an early riser, he doesn't like starting his day late.

The hallways were deserted, as everyone was already in their respective classes and so, he made his way towards the main office to collect his schedule. After taking his schedule, he went towards his locker, only taking the books required for his first class, which was English, He made his way towards room 409, as he was walking down the hallway, his eyes focused on the piece of paper in his hand, his large figure collided with a smaller one and all the anger he was trying to keep at bay, came spewing out.

"I'm sorr--". She started to say, but was cut off by the angered wolf.

"Can't you fuckıng see where you're going?". He snarled, looking at the blue eyed stranger in front of him, anger clear on his features.

"Excuse me? I wasn't the fuckıng one with my nose buried in that paper". She retorted, her heavy accent conforming that she wasn't from around here, her own anger taking over by his rude behaviour.

"I suggest you watch your mouth, if you want to survive in this school, you don't know what i am capable of". He snapped, his brown orbs darkened with anger.

"Go fucķ yourself". She said, before turning around and walking off without sparing him a glance, not wanting to be any more late than she already was for her class on the first day at her new school.

Damién stood there, looking at her retreating back with utter detest covering his features. This is how the hate war started between the two of them. He didn't like her talking back to him and she wasn't a fan of his conceited personality.

But, little did he knew, as he watched her walk away that, this detest wasn't going to rule for long.


Now standing here, almost four years later, with his eyes fixated on her, her hair blowing with the wind slightly, her features scrunched up in confusion as she looked at him, her blue eyes twinkling due to the moon light. She has never looked more beautiful to him, His wolf--whom he got acquainted to just yesterday/today at midnight, itched to take over. He couldn't move, He just stood frozen at his spot, admiring the view in front of him.

"Damién?!". Alexandra called, for the thousandth time, He had just been standing there, staring at her for the past few minutes and it's really creeping her out now.

His wolf purred once again, as he heard his name roll off his mate's tongue and his eyes kept shifting between the caramel brown and the golden-yellow, which did not go unnoticed by her.

Is he possessed or something? Or is it one of his games to get back at me?

She thought, as soon as she noticed the eye colour, She opened her mouth about to question him again, when the back door opened and out walked, Aiden, one look at Damién's awe struck face and he knew.

"Oh, boy". He sighed, taking in the situation, He looked at Alexandra, looking at Damién, in confusion. "What happened?". Although, He knew what happened, but he wasn't aware of the whole situation that took place here so, He had to ask.

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