Chapter 42.

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Chapter 42: "no glove, no love".

Damién exited the school gates and made his way towards his car, throwing his backpack in the backseat, he stood leaning against his onex black Aston Martin, waiting for her to show up.

She wasn't there waiting for him, her car wasn't in the parking lot either, he knew there was a chance that she had already left but, he also knew that she was way too curious to do so and he was proven right when a few moments later she emerged from the school gates with her best friend, Blake Foster.

He wanted to rip his arm off that was around her shoulders but, he took deep breaths, counting backwards to contain his possessiveness.

He's just a friend! You need to calm the fuCk down, dude!

"Hey, dude! What's up?" Blake greeted, warmly giving Damién a bro-hug as soon as they reached him.

"Not much, man!" Damién greeted back, before shifting his attention towards her. "You ready to go?"

"You guys are riding together?" Blake asked smirking, putting emphasis on 'riding', his eyes and tone filled with mischief.

"Get the fuCk out of here, I'll see at the diner later". Alexandra pushed Blake towards the direction of his car and rounded Damién's to get into the passenger seat, opening the door she locked gazes with him. "Let's go". She said and settled in.

"Sure, see you later and remember Alex, no glove, no love". Blake winked, and she showed him the finger before he turned around and walked away, leaving behind a blushing and mortified Alexandra and a very amused and a somewhat turned on Damién.

Damn that blush!

Neither of them said a word until the car was out of the school parking lot, after a lot of contemplating the endless and uncomfortable silence was broken by Alexandra.

"Are you going to tell me anytime soon?" She questioned, impatiently.

"Patience is a virtue, Wilfred". He said, not moving his gaze from the road. He didn't actually know how he was going to do it, he knew he couldn't just say it because she obviously wouldn't believe something so ludicrous to the human brain as this revelation and so, he knew he would have to show her. He didn't have a choice.

He was going to have to shift in front of her or maybe not.

Man, this is so fuCked up!

"Where are we going?" She asked, pulling him out of his thoughts, watching him as he looked straight ahead at the road, his sexy jaw clenching and unclenching every few seconds.

Did I just think that his jaw is sexy?! Good Lord!!!

She sighed and shook her head at her own thoughts, causing Damién to frown and glance at her curiously.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Can you tell me where are we going?".

"Somewhere peaceful, where we can talk without interruptions". He replied, but in reality it was just his way of stalling, trying to gain some courage or maybe come up with a story that was believable enough as to why he wanted to be 'friends' with her.

Here I am, trying to think of an explanation to tell my mate why I want to be fuCking friends with her, when that is the last thing I want her to be!! FML.

His answer made her somewhat nervous, for she knew by experience how awkward it could get when the two of them were together alone.

He took a right turn towards the dirt path that lead towards the clearing near the cliffs she often visited.

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