Chapter 32.

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Chapter 32: Too Loud.

Alexandra entered the bustling girls locker room and made her way towards her locker to grab her stuff and get changed quickly, she changed hurriedly in a pair of blue sports shorts, a black sports bra and a white loose muscle shirt over it and her neon blue cleats.

As soon as she turned towards the door to get out on the field after changing, her path was blocked by the overly caked up face of, Lola Michael the Queen bee or more like the Queen BItch.

"Hey Amy, right?" Lola said or more like screeched in her high pitched voice deliberately addressing her with a wrong name, making Alexandra almost want to block her ears but she refrained from doing so instead she took a step back to creat a much needed distance between them as her face was literally in her face.

"It's Alexandra". She deadpanned, not even the least bit interested in hearing her screech about irrelevant shIt and she didn't even try to hide it. All the attention was now on the two girls.

"Whatever it is, I'm just here to warn you to stay away from my Damién and if you don't listen to me whatever will happen after will be your own fault. I'm warning you". Lola cried out, like the thick head that she was.

An unknown fire lit up inside of Alexandra as soon as she heard the words escape her mouth.

My Damién.

Those two words kept on resonating in her head and that fire kept on burning more and more abundant making her confused and frustrated.

Although from the outside she looked the least bit bothered by her presence or the statement but an uncomprehending battle was going on inside of her and she didn't know what it was or why she was feeling that way but, the only thing she was aware of in that moment was that she didn't like it when Lola staked claim on Damién like that, she wanted to smash her made-up face with the lockers lined up beside them and the intensity of this feeling took her by surprise.

I think I really should give Dr. Reynolds a call.

She thought, baffled by her thoughts and feelings. She looked straight into her green eyes adorned with fat blue eyeliner and unnecessary eyeshadows.

"Seriously?! How much more cliché can you get?" Alexandra said, stoically. She didn't know why she even bothered answering her or why she was even talking to her in the first place, the whole Arcane High was aware of the hatred that Lola Michael, possessed for Alexandra Wilfred and she was just as irrelevant to Alexandra as every other stranger out there was.

"Huh?" Lola voiced, incoherently like the infuriatingly retarded person that she was.

"Get out the way, bítch". Alexandra said, before shouldering past her towards the door, she didn't know where this sudden anger was coming from. She was a bit temperamental and she was aware of that, but this was all new usually she would've been amused by the situation rather than being angry and that is why she couldn't understand why she was feeling this way and why those two words were still repeating in her head, she couldn't even think of good comebacks because of the anger clouding her head.

God! I hate him so much!

She thought irritatingly followed by a screech from the leech standing behind her.

"Did you just call me a bítch?"

Alexandra turned and looked at her with a blank expression.

"Shouldn't have, just insulted a bitch for you". And with that she turned and walked out of the door even more angry at her actions and emotions.

What the fuCk is wrong with me?!

She walked towards the middle of the field where all the boys and girls were huddled up around, Coach Henderson and Ms. Gwen, the practice was going to be combined and she forgot that Damién was on the team too which only added more to her anger and she cursed under her breath as soon as she saw him which didn't go unheard by him and a frown took over his features.

"Dude, why do you look like your cat just died?" Damién heard Aiden voice out from beside him.

"I don't have a fuckIng cat". Damién replied, rolling his eyes.

"Then why do you....Oh! never mind". He started to say, but stopped when he turned to follow his line of sight and saw Alexandra walking up towards them, a murderous expression gracing her features. "Well, someone's in a good mood". He mused, taking in her flustered appearance.

"Alright ladies, it's going to be a friendly game between the two teams, the captains are Matthews and Wilfred, go ahead and choose wisely". Coach Henderson announced blowing his whistle and Aiden and Alexandra stepped forward to face each other.

"Ready to lose, Allie?" Aiden said, his lips tilted up into a smirk.

"Keep on dreaming, darling". She retorted, stretching her lips into a fake smile.

"Lee". Alexandra went first and choose the Asian-american striker, who grinned in her direction and they bumped fists as he came to stand beside her, one could say they were somewhat of acquaintances and to say that the other half of Damién wasn't pleased by the interaction would be an understatement, but he managed to calm it down, he was standing behind her and it was now Aiden's turn to choose and as he opened his mouth to utter the name, his eyes met Damién's over her head and he smirked at him before doing exactly what Damién was trying to tell him not to.

"Damién". Damién gave him the finger as soon as Aiden uttered his name and earned a annoying smirk in return, before he went to stand beside him.

The exchange went on back and forth and in no time the two teams were ready, the game started and ten minutes into it Alexandra's team scored the first goal.

"I know what you're trying to do". Aiden said, addressing Damién with an unpleasant scowl adorning his features, recalling the shot he just missed.

"What did I do?" Damién mumbled, innocently avoiding his eyes as he ran away from him, his eyes once again found her standing near the bleachers with her team mates discussing something, but this time his gaze also went behind her and his expression morphed into a murderous one as soon as he saw, Ace occupying one of the seats. He smirked at him as soon as his eyes met Damién's.

The game started again with full concentration Alexandra was dribbling the ball towards the net, when suddenly the period bell rang and she felt like it was louder then before for she had to block her ear as the sound pierced through them and then she saw Coach Henderson blowing the whistle from the side lines and her face contorted in pain as both of her hands were now placed on her ears to block the piercing sound.

A lot of voices started flowing into her ears all at once, she didn't know what was happening, but suddenly everything was too loud for her to handle and she closed her eyes tightly while her hands stayed on her ears trying to block the noise, but to no avail and she didn't know when she went numb and her hands fell by her sides, the world around her started spinning and she felt a strong pairs of arms going around her before the world faded away into an endless abundance of darkness.

Author's Note.


Hope you all are doing well!💗

Thoughts on the Chapter?!☺

I know I'm late once again because my WiFi is a bitch and I had to write the whole chapter again because it wasn't saved and that took time so, I'm sincerely SORRY anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment because that really helps!💖💖

Keep reading and supporting!💕💞

Romaisa Choudhry ❤✌

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