Chapter 11.

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:Picture of Ace:

Chapter 11: Queen.

Barcelona, Spain.

Ace walked down the long dark hallway of the old castle illuminated by the lanterns hanging down the centre of the ceiling, creating an orange-yellow glow, covered head to toe in his royal blue cloak, He stalked towards the gigantic mahogany doors of the East Wing, the doors were opened by the servants standing on each side of it, both of them bowing when he entered, filling the surrounding air in the large room with the undeniable authority that he possessed, stalking towards his throne he claimed it once again.

A knock resounded through the large room as he settled down, the doors opened at the King's command and a man covered in black cloak--much alike to the servants--walked into the room and stopped a few feet away from the throne, bowing in respect towards his King, He straightened up at His Majesty's command and proceeded to explain the reason of his arrival.

"Your Majesty, we've found her". He stated, his eyes on the ground not being able to look up in the midnight blue eyes staring at him intently.

A sly smirk slowly grew on Ace's full pink lips as soon as he heard the words. He's been looking for her since a very long time and he's been dying to hear those words and now finally that they actually managed to find her, He did not want to waste anymore time than he already has. He wanted to claim her as his for eternity as soon as possible, for he has been dreaming about it since a long while and his greed and hunger for power could only be sated once she was wholly his.

"Make arrangements for the departure as soon as possible, My Queen is finally coming home, where she truly belongs". Commanded Ace with a evil lilt in his tone of voice and that menacing smirk still playing on his lips.


"I don't think it was his pet though. It looked too wild and rough to be called a pet". Blake said while stroking his imaginary stubble, his face scrunched up in thought.

Alexandra gave him a blank look and sighed in irritation. Blake has been going on and on for the past hour about the picture he captured in the woods last night. She acknowledge the first few opinions of his, but now they were just getting plain annoying, She looked at her wrist watch, it was 8:00, She started gathering her things and got up to be on her way towards the school.

"Where are you going?". Blake asked, as soon as she got up to leave.

"School". She replied, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw Blake look at her like she had actually lost it.

"It's saturday. What exactly are you going to do there?". He said with a mixture of confusion and disgust covering his features.

"What the fu*k?! It's saturday?". She exclaimed, a look of disblief marrying her features. "I did all of my homework when i got back home at 3:00 in the morning. I freaking sat in that Godforsaken uncomfortable chair for over three hours writting those essays and it's not even a fucking school day?!". She rambled, plopping back down in her seat opposite Blake, who was looking at her with wide sympathetic eyes.

"Aww. There there, it's okay". Blake said rubbing her arm comfortingly. "But, did you actually write those essays though?". He asked.

"Yes, all three of them and for nothing". She said shaking her head in despair.

"It's not like you've left it, there is school on Monday and i hope you wouldn't mind if i copied a few words, would you?". He said while pretending to be inspecing his nails.

"Who said i was giving you my notes?". She said, looking at him with a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised.

"Oh, come on. You're my best friend, sharing is caring". He said pleadingly.

"No, it's you do you and i do i".


Alexandra stood at the beginning of the bumpy dark path that led towards the forbidden wall--the boundary between the two sides--waiting for Blake, It's been half an hour and he was yet to show up. Alexandra had been texting and calling him non-stop since she got here, but he wasn't reponding and that irritated her beyond belief.

She was still trying to reach him, muttering profanities under her breath every now and then when suddenly she heard soft but firm footfalls behind her, her posture stiffened and the hand that held the phone to her ear froze at its place, the hair on the back of her neck stood up, a sense of deja vu hit her but she wasn't sure that it was Charles this time too and it was dark except the dimply glowing lamp post which was a few feet away from where she stood and the full moon illuminating her surroundings but not enough for her to properly see.

"Well well, if it isn't the brat". A very familiar voice drawled lazily.


Authors Note. 


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Till next time.........

Romaisa Choudhry.

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