Chapter 14.

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:Picture of Alexandra:

Chapter 14: The Invitation.

Alexandra parked her Mini Cooper in the underground garage as soon as she reached her place, getting out of the car she made her way towards the lift in the garage and stood there for a second comtemplating whether to go straight to her room or to go and face the she-devil in the living room, She made her decision and pressed on the L for living room, wanting to get it over with and preparing herself for the anticipated dispute she knew she was about to face.

She leaned against one of the walls with her eyes closed, opening them once she heard the familiar 'ding'. On her way to the living room, She was greeted by Lucinda. She reached the living room and there sat the she-devil aka Marylin Wilfred on the sofa, dressed in a silk navy blue blouse and white pencil skirt, She didn't notice Alexandra's arrival for she was busy conversing with her husband, Esteban Wilfred, who sat beside her, dressed in his usual three piece suit, his posture stiff and a displeased frown on his face. He looked up when he felt someone staring at him, finally acknowledging her presence, a warm smile slowly took over his frown and he stood up and walked towards his daughter with open arms, wrapping her in his warm fatherly embrace. Marylin's face twisted in disgust as she took in the exchange between father and daughter.

"How's is my daughter?". Esteban asked, kissing the side of her head.

"I'm good, Dad. How was Turkey?". She replied. Esteban opened his mouth to answer his daughter's question, but before he could say anything, Marylin started her interrogation.

"Where were you?". Marylin all but snarled at Alexandra, standing up from the couch, her shoulders straight and her posture sophisticated as always.

Alexandra was about to retort a snarky remark, but refrained from doing so, for the sake of her father. "I was with Blake". She replied calmly, her face bare of any emotion.

"I have noticed, you're getting good at lying day by day". Marilyn retorted, a look of pure dislike covering her features.

"What? Do you think I have a boyfriend or something and I'm sneaking out to meet him?". She asked rhetorically. "Trust me, mother, When I do have a boyfriend, I'll make sure, you're the first person to know". Alexandra added, her cold blue orbs gazing at her mockingly.

"For God's sake, I just got back home, I would love some peace and quiet. Can we not?". Esteban said looking at Marylin, annoyance clear on his features. He shrugged off his coat and went back to occupy his place on the sofa, Alexandra sat on the recliner opposite her parents.

"So, how's school?". Esteban asked, addressing his daughter.

"Good". Alexandra replied.

"Have you heard from Leo?".

"No actually, it's been almost a week since I last saw him".

He was about to ask another question, when a knock on the glass door of the living room interrupted their conversation, they all looked up to see Lucinda with a fancy looking black and gold envelope in her hands. Esteban gestured for her to enter, She entered, handing the envelope to him before leaving.

"What is it?". Marylin questioned, as he opened it, his eyes skimming over the words written on it.

"An invitation. From the Monteiro's, there son's 18th birthday". Esteban said, handing it to Marylin.

"Don't you think that's a bit exaggerated?". Alexandra said, her eyes on the fancy invitation, addressing Esteban. "I mean, it's just his eighteenth birthday, not like his getting married or something". She added, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.

"Maybe it's important for them. After all, Damién is their only child". Esteban replied. Marylin placed the card on the table and turned to Esteban asking him something about the new project with the Koreans, Alexandra picked up the card and opened it her eyes looking at it incredulously.


Blake walked down the hallway, adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder trying to catch up with Alexandra--who refused to acknowledge his existence. "Oh, come on. Would you atleast listen to what i have to say?". He called out, struggling to keep up with her in the crowded hallway. "Alexandra!". Finally she stopped at her locker and Blake leaned on it breathing heavily from all the running. "I had to pick up mum, her car broke down. I'm not lying". He explained looking at her, She was busy shuffling through her locker. "Seriously? You want me call my mum to prove it?". He said when he got no response.

"You could've atleast answered my calls or texted me or called back, but you didn't". She finally replied.

"I did call you when i got back and saw your calls, I forgot my phone at home. You didn't pick up". He said, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

Alexandra sighed. "Whatever". She mumbled and made her way towards her first class, which was English and she shared it with Danaya and Blake. They both entered the half empty class and occupied their usual seats at the back.

"Did you get the invitation?". Blake asked as soon as they were settled down.

"Yeah, i did". She replied rolling her eyes. "For a minute i thought, it was a wedding invitation". She added, shaking her head.

"He's going to be legal, let him enjoy it". Blake retorted.

"Oh, He can enjoy it all he wants. I probably won't mind missing it". She said, directing a sickly sweet smile towards her best friend.

"No, no, no". Blake said shaking his head. "You're not doing any such thing. You have to be there". He said, emphasising  the 'have'.

"No, not really". 

"Yes, yes, really. It's probably going to be the biggest event in town this year, you can't miss it". He argued further.

"Well, it's irrelevant to me". She said and before Blake could say anything, Mr. Hale entered the class telling everyone to settle down and pay attention.

Authors Note.


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Till next time.........❤

Romaisa Choudhry✌

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