66. The Dark Swan

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Astrid stopped her husband and five year old son from walking any further once she heard the sound of a heart being ripped out of someone's chest and feeling dark magic near them. "Stay here."

The said girl moved ahead of them through the woods while Peter picked up his son in his arms, one hand on the back of his head in reassurance.

Astrid stopped at these gray large stones that was set in a circle, seeing Emma holding a red haired woman's heart in her hand tightly. "Em, don't."

Emma looked up from the glowing heart in her hand and over at her sister, letting out in confusion, "Astrid? What? How?"

"It doesn't matter how. Has anything stopped me before?" Astrid simply answered while stepping closer over to her twin, her hand somewhat outstretched to let her know that she's not in any sort of danger anymore.

"You don't know what's happening," Emma began, "This is the only way to find Merlin. He's the only one who can stop the darkness... The only way to protect all of you."

"But to stop the darkness, you're going to let it consume you." Astrid gently replied.

"You don't know that." Emma remarked, glancing over at her sister who lifted her eyebrows.

"We're not going to take the chance." Snow spoke up as she, David, Henry, Hook, Regina, and Peter rushed over to where they were; Baby Neal was in Snow's arms and Astrid's five year old was still in Peter's. She pulled out the Dark One's dagger that held Emma Swan's name on it.

"No, wait. You can't do that-" Hook started while Astrid finished, "This has to be her choice."

"You don't understand what's at stake." Emma began after looking back at Merida who had tears in her eyes as she watched the woman continue holding her heart. "If I don't find Merlin, the darkness will destroy all of you."

Astrid glanced over at her scared son and shared a look with her husband before taking another step towards Emma, letting out, "Please. You don't have to do this. Look at all of us. Heroes and villains. We're here because of you. You helped bring all of us together. We all overcame our demons. Now you must face your own, Em. We need you... I need you, sister. Come back to me."

Emma suddenly shoved the glowing heart back in Merida's chest as the red haired woman staggered back and caught her breath; Emma then buried herself in Hook's arms.

Astrid quickly moved over to Merida, starting, "Well, hate to admit it, but I've missed you."

Merida smiled, saying, "Artemis. I've missed you, too." The two of them then hugged before stepping back.

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