Chapter 31: A Drop In The Bottom Of The Ocean

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" Meowster... Meowster! " called a voice coming from all directions, it seemed ethereal and distant, yet vibrated through my very being.

I opened my eyes from what felt like a timeless slumber to see nothing but a pitch black void all around me. There was no smell, no sound other than the distant cry calling to me and nothing to touch or connect with.

I felt .. distant from myself.

It was a strange sensation.

I couldn't even feel my body.

I wondered for a moment if something had gone wrong and I had died. I tried to look at my hands and yet...

Was I moving?

I couldn't tell.

The darkness surrounding me was comforting. It was like it was a mother holding their newborn child, I wondered if this was like a mermaid sitting in the bottom of an ocean closed off from all preditors and life.

[ Wait what is an ocean? ]

I could tell that my memories were fragmenting, everything that made me ... started to fade like a flickering candle as if being sucked out by the void. There was nothing to panic about or fear, however, I just somehow knew this was how it was supposed to be.

I was completely relaxed as I felt myself start to disappear.

[ This isn't so bad, who am I again? ]

" Meowster" the voice called out in a slightly panicked tone.

[ There it goes again... ]

" Yuki " A masculine voice called.

[ Is that me? ]

[ Am I Yuki? Is that even a name? What is a ...]

" Yuki you have to come back now." The male's voice called again this time sternly.

I watched as a pale white dot appeared in the distance. It grew wider and wider as it expanded into what appeared to be a grand and mighty Kithun covered in white flames. Its padded feet walked on the nothing like it was dancing, each step it took left cracks on the darkness. Smoke seemed to pour from its mouth burning the world around me.

The blissful feeling of fading ceased and was replaced by pain. I tried to scream but I couldn't. I watched as the beast charged at me with its massive mouth, threatening to swallow me whole.

The memories seemed to pour back into my skin in waves, crawling into my soul like little ants, tearing at my flesh.

I seemed to be able to look down now and I started at my hands.

Watching as my hands seemed to form in shards like glass, the pain burning me!


[ Make it stop!! Make it stop! ]

The pain had finally reached my lungs, wide eyed I tried to take a breath.

I inhaled a large mouthful of air and blinked.

When I had opened my eyes again I was in a garden with three faces looking over me.

One face that belonged to a cat, one that belonged to a long haired mischief maker and one that belonged to a golden eyed girl.

I sat up quickly and started to violently cough.

The three bodies were tossed back a little and watched me. I didn't want to pay attention to them however. The first thing I did was check my hands.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now