Chapter 59: On The Path To Nova

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Sora was walking next to me as we continued on our path for Nova. His sun-tanned arms were wrapped behind his head as he sung a tune to himself.

" I fell in love with a spirit beast,

her hair was long and her beauty a feast,

she stole my heart on a summers day,

I pray the rain will go away,

Rain, oh rain, please go away!"

I looked up at the clouds and noticed was overcast, there was a slight chill in the air as I glanced over at Sora.

He was in his own world so I decided not to bother him.

[ Sora is a strange kid.]

I thought about the time we have spent together. He had had a very sad life so far. No family, not money a drifter at such a young age. I have heard that people who suffer tend to have to mature a lot faster.

[Maybe that's what happened with him?]

Although much of the same has happened to me, in this new life I had always had people to support me from behind.

How can this kid be so happy?

[ Maybe I am just being nieve. ]

When I was younger the world felt like it will never stop turning, Each day would feel like it dragged on and each year felt like it would never finish. When I was younger every little thing that went wrong felt like the end of the world.

I would watch at a distance as fellow students would run off crying because they had their hearts broken. How children who were not invited to a party or had a fight with a friend would think that the universe had failed them.

The world kept spinning though and the ones I watched who had their heartbroken ended up with a new sweetheart, the ones who didn't go to one party made friends in another group.

I, however, never got to experience it.

In my old life, day after day I sat on the same bench with Anzai, telling the same old jokes until he had to go to soccer. I still carry my wounds from my childhood even now, locked inside my innermost places like scars etched upon my soul with a blunted blade.

Thinking about it further...

[ He is probably just trying to forget about everything ]

Just like Anzai would.

I remember when he took those punches for me when we first met. He had a brilliant smile, in hindsight, I wonder if he was just trying to be brave on my behalf.

Because I was a coward.

" Hey, Sora. I know I just met you and all but I am grateful that I did. I hope we can be friends and if you ever want to talk about your parents or stuff that you find hard... I can umm. Listen." I fumbled out a sentence as best as I could.

Sora looked as if he had just swallowed a fly.

" Hey Yuta, are you okay? Haha, that was really out of nowhere!" Sora said after a minute.

" I just wanted you to know, it wouldn't annoy me if you wanted to chat. I think I can be a pretty good listener if you need it." I replied seriously.

" You sounds like my old man!" Sora replied and laughed.

" Mm, He said problems are like weeds if you bury them they sprout! Best to pull them out by the root by talking about them!" Sora said as he put on a low tone.

" Sounds like your dad was a pretty cool guy," I replied as I walked next to Sora.

We spent a while swapping stories about what it was like growing up. I, of course, had to omit most of what had actually happened. I mushed both Earth and Tama kingdom together that was just honest enough not to give away my name in Tama or my position.

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