Chapter 38: Testing Grounds (Part 3)

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I took a deep breath and touched the globe, a warm feeling washed over my body. I closed my eyes due to the relaxing atmosphere and as I opened them again, I realised I was in another world.

I was surrounded by open plains, with mountains way off into the distance. The grass was knee high, the sky was painted in purple tones and although it was bright, I couldn't make out a sun in the atmosphere.

A smell of dirt entered my nostrils reminding me of a farm I had visited on a school trip back on earth.

I inhaled slightly to take in the sites and sounds; unconsciously I ran my hands through the grass as I took a few steps forward.

" Welcome to the testing ground," said the fresh voice of the Ent I had previously heard.

[ This place feels so real! ]

" What do I have to do here? " I said out loud as I could not see the Ent, I merely shouted it into the wind.

" There is a being somewhere around here that is the avatar of your magic, and you are to find it and tame it. You may not be able to die in this place, but you will feel hunger, tire, feel pain and can even experience a pseudo-death. Should you die, your test will be considered a failure. Good luck young seedling. There is no time limit. Be prepared to stay here a very long time. " replied the Ent.

"A long time?! Just how long?" I said out loud to the wind.

I waited for a response, but the only thing I had heard was the rustling of the wind through the leaves and grasses.

[ Why didn't teacher tell me anything?! ]

I thought about what I should do, I didn't have any wilderness experience but seeing nothing that even looked like a hut, I sighed. How was I going to live here and for how long? Although the scenery was beautiful... I honestly wondered if I would starve to death.

I saw a rather long rock just across from me and decided to sit and think about it. Before I took my next step forward, I heard a very familiar voice.

" Meowster where are we?" Kibble's voice echoed in my head before a figure appeared from an amalgamation of some specks of light and landed near me.

What appeared before me was not exactly a cat though. It was a young boy a little shorter than me. He had cat ears, freckles, red and black hair and a tail. Although his features were slightly different from my own, if I hadn't known better I would have thought he was my younger brother.

Looking closer, however, I also noticed some of the same features that Cupid had. I took a step back in shock. He was wearing black training pants with no shirt and what looked like a necklace made out of teeth. His wrists had tribal tattoo markings on them.

" Oh? A soulscape! How funny meowster! How did you end up here? I was just napping then, I felt your soul shift, I got worried so I came to check! " The boy who spoke like Kibbles said.

" Kibbles? Is that... You? " I said surprised looking at the boy up and down.

" What do you mean? Of course it's me!" Kibbles said.

He went to take a step forward but fell over.

" OUCH! What just happened?! Why can't I walk?!" Kibbled said surprised.

He must have realised why I had been so shocked. He looked at his hands and then his feet and touched his head before shouting.

" Why... Why am I so ugly!? Ahhh my precious fur!! What did you do to me?! What is this place?! " Kibbles said as he glared at me.

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