Chapter 64: To Hide A Tree In A Forest

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Ki was still quite nimble even though she had Ren on her back. She jumped forward and threw a water ball blade right at the assassin catching them unaware.

The whole scene could only be described as complete chaos. I glanced across at Sora who was fighting Haia once more time and ran through the fighting crowd behind Ki.

There were a few stray blades that I had either dodged or knocked away. Kibbles at some point had jumped on my shoulder to aim a few fireballs behind me to make sure I wasn't surprised and we finally made it out of the alleyway.

We walked into the throngs of people that were on the main road and Ki used her cloak to cover Ren to try and make us less suspicious. We pushed through the crowd for a while before we made it to an alleyway on the opposite side of the battle we had just fought.

I looked down at the blade that Ren and given me that was wrapped in my holster and frowned.

" Young Master we have to get out of town. They will be looking for us. Those bandits were too injured to hold them off for long. I am surprised that they lasted that long" Ki said as she looked at Ren.

" What are be going to do about Ren?" I said as I watched Ki undress Rens shoulder plate.

She looked over his wound and clicked her tongue.

" Cantrella poison, see this lines write here? It is definitely Cantrella. It won't kill him right away but he will get very sick if it is not treated soon." Ki said as she recovered his shoulder.

I couldn't believe how calm Ki could be in such a horrible situation. We heard footsteps racing around and we knew that we were being looked for. Ki quietly covered her wounds and then took something out of her bag and sprayed me, then Ren and finally herself.

" This will stop them from being able to follow us with snout beasts. There is a safe place not to far from here we will stay there the night and get Ren treated before heading back to the estate" Ki said quietly.

" I can't! I have to find my father!" I said in reply.

" I know this is difficult young master, but please do not be selfish. Ren is very sick we have to get him back and report what has happened." Ki said as she looked at me disappointedly.

[ I didn't ask you both to follow me ]

If it wasn't for Ki and Ren I would probably be dead right now. I looked at the people passing on the street and decided I would try again once I had gotten settled into school. I looked at Ki and nodded my head.

She smiled in return.

" Thank you, young master," Ki said as she petted my head.

Her hand feels very warm.

" Ki, I have decided that if you and Ren decide to get married I will give my blessings," I said as I looked down and Ren that was curled in her lap.

Ki had flushed bright red as she realised exactly how Ren was sleeping on her. He was using her breasts as a pillow.

I looked at her reaction and giggled.

" Young master do not joke like this!" Ki huffed as she gently stood up and picked up Ren.

She signalled with her hand for me to follow her as she jumped on some barrels and headed for the rooftop. Kibbles had jumped on my shoulder and we began to follow her.

I was not as agile as her even when she had Ren but I managed to keep up.

We jumped from rooftop to rooftop.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now