Chapter 37: Testing Grounds (Part 2)

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The sunlight had hurt my eyes slightly as I accustomed them to the difference in light from inside the slightly darkened carriage. I looked up with my hand across my face like a salute as I feebly attempted to blocked out the shine.

What I saw before me was a bright blue sky in vivid blue light there were a few clouds that were added by what felt like a clumsy painter, they were floating delicately, as If could puff out a small breath and they would disappear.

A crisp yet refreshing scent of earth entered my nostrils completely refreshing me. I looked down from the sky and realised that we were on our way to a tower. This tower was only one for many that I could see littering the horizon.

[This place is much bigger then I could see at a distance some months ago! ]

I sucked in a large breath of fresh air as Lady Yu began to walk and gave me a hurry-up look.

I followed behind her trying my best to keep up and see as much as I could.

We were stepping on feet wide stones that were surrounded by lush grasses or various cloured each trimmed to immaculate degrees. I took a quick glance behind us and noticed was a wall with an entryway that I assumed we used, the wall itself was two people long and upon close inspection, I saw many runes glimmering on them.

Not to mention the guards that were standing around with their faces covered with masks. I was not sure why they were wearing masks but I had amused myself thinking about it as I continued to look around.

There were students and teachers all scurrying around. In this aspect, it was very much like a university campus. Each person wore then uniform to extremely polished standards and I noticed badges that glimmered slightly on the chest of every person walking.

The tower was reaching closer and closer to us, I felt like an ant staring at a mountain. It at least had to be a hundred floors high as it reached up into the heavens. It wasn't forboding in the least however as it was made from a light grey material which seemed to give it a welcoming feeling.

There were holes on what I guessed was every third floor on the tower or so, that had people flying in and out of them on spirit beasts. The different types of beasts made me realise how little of this world I had actually seen.

Some looked like eagles, while others like dragons, some were mixes between a few different Earth species there was even a tiger I had spotted with wings.

We had finally reached the entranceway, there was a man telling a group of students something that I couldn't pick up on. They, however, seemed to meticulously be taking notes on leather bound books. There was a group of students in a ring a little further to the right, I suspected they were duelling.

[ There is soo much here! Romance Fantasy ++ never showed this much of the school! ]

We suddenly stopped in front of a grand door that was large enough in hight for at least 5 grown people to stand on each other's shoulders to reach the top. Teacher Yu had gone up to a person standing by a door and flashed what looked like a badge.

The person that looked like a guard wearing a white half mask smiled and said " Teacher Yu? Suprised to see you at the testing hall, how many students today and which level?"

[ This whole tower is just for testing students?! I am starting to this is more like a city hidden inside the capital! ]

" Hmm, one student and myself. the twentieth level thank you" Yu said in her normal no-nonsense tone.

The guard removed a small metal seal that was previously on their neck. It had markings on it sort of like an analog watch. I couldn't make out too much detail, but the guard seemed to fiddle with it before placing it in a circular shaped incline in the door.

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