Chapter 73: Palace Cakes

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After breakfast was finished I changed into court appropriate clothes as what was dictated when you entered the palace. I now not only represented my family but my father who had gone missing there was no longer any room for mistakes.

I chose some leather battle gear that had my families insignia on it followed by a red cloak made from fine materials and a decorative sword that hung on my waist. Ki told me I looked like a perfect young master from my house hold.

Kibbles who was sitting on my shoulder was brushed until his body looked silky and had also been given a little cloak that Ki had made with my family's coat of arms on it.

He looked very cute as he sat regally.

Finally my hair was combed into a braid which now hung down half way down my back. It was decorated with some sword pins and a few metal beads.

I looked in the mirror and for once my stern looking face looked like it belonged on me. In every way I looked like a handsome yet evil villain.

I sighed.

[ I could have done without these sharp pointed eyebrows and permanently glaring eyes ]

I turned around and looked at Ki who had smiled brightly before she lead me to the front door where grandfather was waiting, he was fidgeting with his hands before he noticed me.

" Young Yellow, wait out front" Reo said to Ki.

[ Her name means Yellow here to huh? ]

Ki bowed before walking outside.

" Yuki... i'm not much for raising kids but know I really do love you Kiddo.Try to have fun today okay" Reo said and blushed before he coughed and went to walk away in a hurry.

[ Must have been hard for him to say ]

" Thanks grandpa" I replied to his back casually.

" Grandpa? Hmm I liked it! Call me that more!" Reo walked off in big happy strides.

I laughed a little for the first time in a while and shook my head before I walked out the door.

Ki and Ren were waiting for me.

Both were very well dressed. Since they were to follow me inside the palace for my safety they had both taken extra special care of their looks.

Ren looked a little nervous so I tapped his shoulder as I walked passed him.

" Don't worry the palace isn't as scary as it looks. I only almost died their last time" I said with a cheeky smile.

" YOUNG MASTER!" Ki said indignantly as she huffed and followed behind.

Ren looked horrified as he caught up and we all entered the carriage. This time grandfathers driver was driving us there and we made it to the outside of the palace in no time.

Although the soldiers didn't strike their weapons on the ground this time they all saluted as we were escorted to the front door. Surprisingly who greeted us was none other then Nathan who was dressed more elegantly than usual. He looked quite dapper in his dark purple robes with a silver sash.

The maid behind him had a sour look on her face as she looked towards the ground.

I made it to the entrance and did a proper royal salute, which was kneeling on one knee and crossing a hand over one heart. Nathan was a prince after all and even though he was my friend I had to give me face in front of all of the civilians that had stopped to stare.

Nathan had walked over to me and held me up before saying " sorry it is today.. brother and sister are training and your grandfather... ah he only sent a message last night about your visit."

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now