Chapter 74: Unkempt Garden With A Silly Prince

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*** Nathan's Perspective ****

I feel really nervous for some reason. Over the past few months Yuki has really changed. He has become almost like a whole new person. Is it confidence? No.. what it the loss that changed him? I couldn't put my finger on it but whatever it was I felt like Yuki had become someone dependable.

He looks a little intimidating but his kindness always seems to shine through when I need it. I am not sure my sister understands what sort of a man she is to marry but I hope that I can at least still be around him and watch him as he continues to change.

[ This boy who sees me more than just a useless second prince. ]

Once we finished our snacks I took him to my favorite spot in the palace. It was an open space garden with a pergola and some seats. No one really comes here so it is less maintained then the other places in the palace.

I feel like this is my safe space.

I checked my outfit to make sure that it was still neat. I had spent more time then I care to mention trying to find something fitting.

Why do I feel like I look bad in everything today?

I looked over to see Yuki who was absentmindedly staring out into space on a seat looking out at the unkempt garden and smiling. Kibbles was on his lap with a cute little cloak on. I wished at this moment I too had a tamed spirit beast. Kibbles fur looked so soft and warm.

" Can..Can.. I touch Kibbles?" I said quietly.

" Of course! You don't mind do you Kibble's?" Yuki said to his Kithun.

[ He talks to it?! How cute! ]

Surprising Kibbles as if he could understand what Yuki said walked up to me and sniffed my hand before jumping on my lap. The Kithun was much bigger than I anticipated and was rather weighty. It looked up at me with both slitted eyes blinking.

" You look very ..nice in your cloak Mr Kibbles" I said as I looked at him.

Kibbles began to rub it's cheeks against my hand and I couldn't help but giggle. I petted him for a bit before I felt Yuki's stare on me.

I looked over and Yuki smiled. It wasn't a big fake one that he normally give and it wasn't super bright but it was the first real smile that I had seen him give for a long time. I couldn't help myself as the corner of my lips rose into peeks back.

" He likes you" Yuki said.

" You do?" I said looking at Kibbles.

Kibbles walked further onto my lap and I wrapped my arms around him.

" I like him too" I said.

There was a peaceful silence that was in my garden space for a good incense stick of time.

Yuki had told me that the plants here were very happy after a while and mentioned I should throw some foodscaps around one of the plants. I listened intently and I nodded,

I couldn't help but think back to the day that my father was rude to him. I wanted to bridge this gap and fix things. So I thought over what I needed to say.

" We are ..f.f.f.friends right?" I stuttered out.

[ God I am nervous ]

" Oh course!" Yuki said with an eyebrow raised.

Like I had lost control of my voice box I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Yuki looked at me for a minute sat up then walked over to me before kneeling down on the ground in front of my feet.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant