Chapter 61: Rain And Powder

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The bandit leader glared at Sora and I before putting her hands up.

" Would you let us go?" The bandit leader said.

The bandits that who had followed this leader all had tears in their eyes, at least the conscious ones.

" We are just here to earn a copper or two so we don't starve, I don't want my men killed. Please spare them" She said loudly.

" Take me as a prisoner if you must just leave them alone." The bandit leader spoke again, this time with determination.

" Leader!" the bandits sniffled and wailed in unison.

[ HUH!??! ]

I looked over the bandit leaders face and she seemed to be serious. Then I looked over at Sora who just shrugged and waited for me to answer.

" Are you not gonna let us go? I won't let you hurt my friends anymore" She said loudly holding on to her whip.

" No... We will." I said finally.

"But, you must pick up all the stuff that was thrown from my bag and apologise for what you did to my mother's charm," I said as the rain hit my face.

[ This was probably for the best ]

" Pick you your stuff?! What am I a maid?" The bandit leader said angerly.

The bandit leader looked at Sora and I again before she sighed.

She walked over to my bag and unwilling put all the content back in before personally handing me my sword back.

" Leader! Leader!" The bandits all said.

[ They seem to really like her ]

" I am sorry for your mother's charm getting dirty," she said politely as she then handed me my mother's charm that she had picked up earlier.

" What's your name?" I said in response.

"Haia" Haia replied after I moment.

I walked up to Haia and whispered in her ear " I am Yuki Akiyo, cross me again and I will tell my guards to wipe your group out."

I stepped back and I watched as her face paled.

[ Was that scary enough I wonder, I would hate for them to ambush us in our sleep ]

" Hey, Yuta! What did you just tell her?" Sora said smiling his usual smile.

" Nothing much! Let's get out of here" I said to Sora as I grabbed my bag.

The bandits all watched us leave with our heads held high. We walked off the path and into the forest where Kibbles had hidden our money pouch it had taken us several incense sticks of time to make it there.

It was a cave that was cut out of a large tree. The whole place was reasonably quiet and the tree provided shelter from the downpour of rain. After we made sure that we had not be followed we took a well-needed break.

I was shivering while I checked my arms for damage. There were bright purple and green bruises contrasting my pale white skin.

I looked over at Sora who wasn't much better off then I was and began to laugh.

" I didn't think we would be able to get out of there," I said laughing and shivering.

" Your magic is so cool! I have never met anyone that could control trees before!" Sora replied as he laughed too.

We sat in the hollow and collected some sticks to make a fire, which Kibbles had lit with his abilities.

Since everything was drenched we had no choice but to use some branches we found around to dry off our clothes near the fire. It was awkward for me to say the least as I stripped down to my undergarments.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now