Chapter 40: Stuck (Part 1)

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-Meanwhile a few minutes ago at the earth testing grounds-

" Why isn't he out of the system yet?, He should have been out in the blink of an eye, " Lady Yu asked the elder Ent.

" I am not so sure, there seems to be a malfunction, I noticed a change in his soul and now I have lost communication! " the Ent spoke solemnly.

Suddenly a guard wearing a white mask over their face rushed over while gasping for breath.

" Not good! The.. Huff huff... The principal is calling for you Lady Yu, the head of the Aikyo house is here for his son! Apparently, there is an emergency." the young guard said.

" Hmph, well I will be down in a moment, Elder Ent could you be so kind to look after the boy while I get his father here." Lady Yu said calmly.

Lady Yu looked over to see Yuki still with his hand on the globe with a strained look on his face, the globe was shining with a bright green and brown glow.

The Ents leaves shifted as they began to shed. Falling from the sky like sakura blossoms, it would have been a truly beautiful site if the people in the room were not so panicked.

As the leaves fell, the tree seemed to shrink in size, a green light glowed as a dragon made of wood appeared in the place of what was once a tree. Each scale was either made out of a dark green wood or a polished stone. Sharp fangs made of black metal and menacing green and black slitted eyes.

Its breath was pure earth energy and it gave off a terrifying aura.

" Elder's true form!! " The young guard said in shock, moving several steps back in fright.

" Hush sapling! This old one must concentrate!" The Ent snapped in response.

Lady Yu grabbed the shocked guard, who had been frozen with fright, by the ear and led him out of the room.

The Ent who was at least the size of a large house approached Yuki before wrapping his tail around the podium and breaking it. Yuki and the sphere in his hand were unharmed and the sphere still glowed in the aftermath.

There was rubble left in the Ents wake as he took Yuki back to the centre of the room via being curled in his tail. Where the tree had once been standing, there was a giant seal etched into the earth with signs of decimation from the Ents transformation.

The Ent in the form of a mighty dragon curled up on the seal. The seal which looked like a tree with runes carved on the compass positions engulfed the pair. It started to release a hazy brown light.

The Ent closed its eyes.


The dirt and leaves began to spring into the air and wrap around the duo as they sat in what could only be described as the eye of the storm.

The Ent opened its massive eyes as it shouted " Found him! ".

A small brown ball escaped the chest of the ent and landed inside the chest of Yuki, his breathing had slowed down from panicked and unstable to calm easy breaths.

The wind had died down and the leaves had scattered when Yuki's father entered the room carrying Kibbles who seemed to be sleeping. Next to him was the Principal as well as Lady Yu who stood respectfully behind.

"My son! Where is my son!?" The man of war said after looking at the mess in the chamber.

" Quiet sapling, I am tired. Your son is fine" huffed the Ent.

" Hmph! Don't quiet me dragon! " said Tenma with an annoyed tone.

" You two, please.. A little calm. What has happened? " Principal Wei said with a slightly raised eyebrow.

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