Chapter 47: The Escape (Part 3)

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I thought that since I had a new start in life I would never have to feel these emotions again. It was like each emotional wound which had been licked cleaned and mended had split open again.

I reminded myself that these spirit beats that were more akin to demons had been hiding inside my very soul. They had been waiting all this time to tell me what I should have already known.

I am going to be abandoned again.

The grand delusion of thinking that I had finally made friends who at least cared about me had in a second vanished and been replaced by a desolate loneliness. Kibbles I felt just stood by me because he had to.

The princes had just become my friends because they thought I was going to marry their sister. Riku was just there because he was paid by my family to teach me. Ren and Ki were under my new family's household. Regardless of whether they wanted to or not they had to be there for me...

It was their job.

Not one person who was in my life had a choice to be.

Even Cupid who had given me this opportunity was only there because he screwed up my life to begin with. Wasn't I here anyway to be the whipping boy for some male lead of a novel that didn't write me in to begin with?

[Was I really to be punished for being born the way I was?]

[Is there really no place for me in this or any other universe? ]

[ Maybe I shouldn't have woken up from the car accident....]

The sky around us grew solemn, rain clouds had formed and started on what felt like my behalf. The beast that wore the princess skin stopped running towards me. It paused its steps and looked straight into my eyes.

The second beast who had been fighting kibbles had also stopped.

All eyes were on me for some reason and it made me sick.

" I knew you would understand" The spirits beast said. Its voice now sounded like a saviour who had finally revealed the truth.

" mm.. I understand... I shouldn't be here should I? " I responded after a few moments.

" Yuki what nonsense are you saying? Don't listen! You belong here! You have friends who care about you!" Kibbles cried out.

" UNTIL WHEN KIBBLES?!" I shouted angrily.

" UNTIL THERE IS NO LONGER A USE FOR ME? UNTIL MY FAMILY DOESN'T PAY THEM TO BE NICE TO ME? Until they.. Find out.. I could never be normal?" I wanted to cry but there was nothing left. My last words had come in almost a whisper.

I held my face in my hands for a moment. Rain had fallen in between the cracks of my fingers cooling my puffy face.

I looked up to the sky after a moment and began to laugh.

" Hahahah..haha they are not even my family... My real parents threw me away as soon as I was old enough.. You know this! Why are you trying to lie to me?! I have had enough of playing pretend! Why would someone as disgusting as me deserve such good parents like the Aikyo's" I laughed and said dejectedly.

" Yuki, You know this isn't true... none of it is.." Kibbles said weakly.

" You either fight your inner demons or you and your spirit beast friend will be trapped here together. " Puff had said sternly.

I looked over at Puff who still had his tail wrapped around me.

He looked at me as if trying to stare under my clothes and sighed.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now