Chapter 66: Rin Rin And A Pretty Frock.

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The room around us seemed to drop a few degrees. I couldn't believe that Rinura had made contact with Ren. I wondered if Cupid knew, I wondered if the reason why Sora hated me so much had something to do with her.

I wondered in my already troubled predicament was made worse by her coming. Ki raised her eyebrow and while my head was running through every scenario simply asked " Who is Rinura?".

[ How do I explain this?! ]

I looked at her and was unsure how to explain everything. How could she who had been with me for several years and have even followed me in the shadows not know of someone I had been in contact with?

Honestly, right now I had more questions than answers.

" You know her Yuki?" Ren replied.

" Mm I know her and I can't say for certain if she is a good person or not" I replied in thought.

" So you going to tell us about her?" Ki replied.

" Would you believe me if I told you I can't answer that question. All I know is that she can be as dangerous as she is helpful" I said looking down at the ground.

Ki and Ren looked at each other.

" What did she say exactly?" I said trying to move the conversation forward.

Ren slightly sat up from the bed. It seemed to be painful for him as he looked me in the eyes for a moment then looked away and blushed.

" She said" Ren paused and spoke.

" She said while your love guru is busy, she thought she would gift you a present," Ren said he was clearly embarrassed having to recite what she said.

" Does any of this mean anything to you?" Ren said after a moment.

[ Cupids away? Does that mean the gift... Was Sora? ]

" Did she say anything else?" I replied.

" The only other thing she said was a warning that Sora was going to try and Kill you as well as to wish you all the best in school next year" Ren replied.

Ren played with his fingers a moment before looking up at me.

" It was thanks to her that you are alive," Ren said afterwards in a very quiet tone.

" Where is this "Rin Rin" now?" Ki asked in my place.

" I don't know, she jumped out the window and then vanished. That is when I called for you Ki cause I saw the assassins coming" Ren replied.

I sat down on the side of Ren's bed and held my head in my hands. I then took a big deep breath in and out.

[ Kibbles please come in here ]

" But I want to nap!" Kibbles replied inside my head.

[ It is to do with Cupid, can you reach him? ]

" Meowster Cupid?! Give me a moment "Kibble's voice reverberated inside my head.

Ren, Ki and I heard the pattering of little paws coming from outside hitting the polished floors.

They sped up faster and faster until there was a flurry of footsteps. I then head the shriek of a maid and some clattering before Kibble's slid inside the room before promptly arriving and Ki's feet. It was hard to see an emotion his Kithun face but if I had to tell from his voice he was very excited.

Ki and Ren both looked over in shock as Kibbles ran around bouncing as if he had eaten too much sugar before finally calming down and stopping at my feet. I explained the information that I had just received to Kibbles telepathically and then asked him to pass it over to Cupid.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now