Chapter 46: The Escape (Part 2)

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After lunch was brought back and cooked. Kibbles, Puff and I started to talk about our next steps. I couldn't quite figure out the exact emotion that I felt when I used magic. Every time I cast magic I felt like I was floating. Like nothing mattered, as if I were meaningless and everything around me would disappear in a puff of smoke.

All that I felt was a slight burn that would course through my veins like a stream and exit through my hands. If I used magic to hear the thrum of the earth the burn would travel to my feet, ears and nose instead.

Trying to explain this to Kibbles was difficult at best, close to impossible at worst. He had spent the entirety of lunch telling me all he had to do was imagine a hot day and his powers would work. Since I had been asleep he had become much better at mastering them and even learnt his first spell, fireball.

He lit the fire with ease and had even picked up juggling flames. Puff as we all still called the elder ent, had told me that each experience is unique to the user and that is why this test is implemented in the first place.

" You are literally soul searching for the answer" Puff had finished on. Which in the end wasn't much help. In the end, we decided to break camp for a bit to go exploring. The soul scape was vast. So finding the correct emotion was like finding a needle in a haystack.

We looked near rivers for spirit beasts, in caves that we had found, and even checked the monkeys that we had first encountered. Although they were easy to beat now, none of them had resonated with me as Puff told me the beast would.

This continued on for some time, we decided that we would check new areas way out into the distance. There was no point in Kibbles and Puff travelling alone so we packed several days worth of food into makeshift bags and headed out.

It seemed the further we went out the more barren the world around us became. The soul scape had gone from a vibrant and lively place to an area filled with scorched earth and dead trees.

" I don't think this place is it Yuki!" Kibbles said slightly frightened.

" We should probably press forward anyway" Puff retorted.

As I looked around, the colour seemed to drain from the world. From vibrant greens, the earth had gone a deep brown. The sky had become a deep red and it was entirely uninviting.

" What do you think of when you see this place? " Puff said as we walked.

Kibbles stuck next to me, most likely unhappy with the land around him.

This place had made me really uncomfortable.

" Is this really part of my soul? " I said gloomily.

" Mm it is a place that reflections your emotions just as much as anywhere else. You may have forgotten this place, but from the looks of it..." Puff said and trailed off into thought.

I stopped walking and closed my eyes. Feeling out with my magic I noticed a gentle hum off in the distance. It was calm, patient and strong.

" I can sense it! The Spirit beast we are looking for is definitely here!" I pointed to the north excitedly.

We headed further and further north. Stopping only to take a break and eat. We became tired a few times so we had to set up camp. Afterwards, with sheer determination, we pressed forward.

The ground's deep browns had turned into blacks as the sky had become darker and darker. I had finally realised what this place was.

I just didn't want to admit it to myself.

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