Chapter 35: Keeping Secrets

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I, as per usual, had spent the morning having lessons with Riku, we went over how the war began according to Tama, I say according to Tama because a lot of it didn't make sense to my soul that had come from Earth.

According to Riku, Tama and Vance used to be one massive country called Zhen. (This was several generations ago). The king at the time was a tyrant, who was always causing his people to go to war with the neighbouring kingdoms. This meant that taxes were high and it became extremely hard for the people to live and work.

There were two factions that arose due to the socio economic imbalance, the war-hungry bourgeois who enjoyed reaping the spoils of war lead by the Vance Family and the peace-loving proletariats who was lead by the Tama family.

Both families had one thing in common, they no longer wanted the royal family in charge. So over time, it had become a war between the three factions. This lasted for two whole generations before the royal family had their only heir killed by one of the opposing families. The damage, however, was already done by that time.

Due to the constant bickering between the Vance and Tama families and the bloodshed on both sides, both factions had decided they could no longer live under the same heaven. The infighting had become so bad it no longer affected just the families but the people as well. There had to be a stop to it, especially since the neighbouring countries had noticed how bad it had become and wanted to wage war while Zhen was weak.

So the country had become divided. Vance had chosen the west to rule over and placed their factions King on the throne, while Tama had chosen the east and had put a Tama kinsman on a new throne. There was a peace treaty that was then put in place, that in the event of a foreign invader both the new countries of Vance and Tama would stand together and fight....

However, the wars that had begun back then had eve carried over to the time I live in. It was sad to think about just how many generations of families had lost their family members. Both Tama and Vance to this day are still trying to recover.

What didn't make sense to me, however, was that there was a sudden peace treaty, how can you have a battle so fierce that you can't live under the same sky as someone and then suddenly make a peace treaty? Where did the rest of the royal family go? They cannot all have perished right?

My head had been left spinning afterwards, left with more questions than answers. By the time I had arrived to my etiquette lessons, I felt like my brain was burning. We had spent up until lunchtime rehearsing my ability to speak between the lines as well how to write calligraphy artfully.

Apparently, men who were able to write poems were considered sophisticated here. I couldn't imagine myself sitting on a mountain somewhere mumbling about existence. I honestly didn't have a brain wired for it.

None the less I persisted until it had reached lunch time.

For lunch, I had some form of meat with potatoes and salad, for some reason, however, the potatoes if I could even call them that were actually spirit beasts that would pop out of the ground and stand around until they were eaten. They reproduce by micro seeds like strawberries or bananas.

I actually felt pretty bad eating it but it tasted amazing boiled and served with spirit beast butter.

After my stomach had settled, I went to visit Ren who was in the middle of getting our battle gear together as he always did before our lessons. I greeted him with a fist bump as per usual. We only had a few hours to train as I was told that Lady Yu would be coming to pick me up to bring me back to the academy for formal magic aptitude testing.

Ren seemed to be really excited for me as he told me about how his first aptitude test was done back on a military base near the border. He said he was so shocked when he found out he had darkness attribute that he asked to be retested! Apparently not only does the tester check for what element you can harness but also the connection that you have to that element.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon