Chapter 50: Confusing Concoction

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" Puff?" I said confused as I saw a giant tail wrapped around me.

" Mmm I am here sapling" A windy voice replied.

I held Kibbles in my arms as I tried to stand.

" Don't stand too quickly, you have been asleep for a whole week".

I followed the voice to see it was Lady Yu who had extended a hand toward me.

I looked around the room.

Ren and Ki were looking at me but standing a respectful distance from the dragon who was currently the size of a house.

The area was just as I remembered it except for the way Puff was looking, the obelisk tree was nowhere to be found.

I took Lady Yu's hand.

It was very warm.

After we moved away from Puff, he too stood up. The floor rumbled with each step he took, his massive eye fixated on me for a moment before he made a low guttural growl. It was, as I could only presume, a dragons yawn.

Puff's mouth had opened wide and finally a bright green light shone in all directions. Puffs body began to sprout twigs, branches and a trunk. About a minute later he was backing to standing as a tree.

Then there was a thrum in the room that I had not heard earlier and the sense of calm that I had first felt upon entering had returned.

"I need some rest sapling, although your journey was a trying one you have made it back in one piece. You will be an excellent student next year. Good luck, I must rest now and regain my strength!" Puff had finished on.

I bowed to the tree who had obviously spent a lot of energy to look after me.

" My mother and father, they must be worried where are they?" I turned to Lady Yu and asked politely.

" This room is not the place to talk, your servants are here. Have them follow us to the nurses office" Lady Yu said in her usual tone.

[ Not the room to talk? ]

" Has something happened?!" I said in a concerned voice.

I looked at Lady Yu who just stared back at me and then to Ren and Ki who had just looked away.

" Nurses office first." Yu restated in a firm voice.

" Yes Teacher" I replied.

Yu had taken me to Ki and Ren's side before dropping her arm. Ki looked at me before she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

Her body temperature was much warmer than mine.

" Young Master, It is good to see you!" she said still hugging me.

" Mm it is good to see you too" I replied as I returned her embrace.

After we parted Ren too had pulled me into a hug and said nothing.

Ren had not really ever hugged me before.

It was then I realised something was terribly wrong.

" What has happened?" I said to Ren.

" Yu is right we should have checked out first" Ren replied as he let go.

I took a final look at Puff who had been by my side as we left and headed to the nursing section of the school.

We walked through different corridors and used the teleport system. My stomach hit the floor for a moment before we arrived in a white hall.

It looked very much like an old fashioned hospital.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora