Chapter 70: Like Hitting My Head Against A Brick Wall.

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" So Yuki what is it going to be?" Reo said as he took a sip of his tea.

Reo's hands were rather large next to the cup and with his pink jutting from the side of his cup he looked a little like a bear. I literally had to stare up at him. I think I could finally see why some people felt he was imposing.

His bird nest hair sort of removed some of the tension that was filling the room.

I looked at both Ren and Ki who pretended they didn't see me. They had suddenly found their teacups to be the most exciting thing that could have ever happened to them.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

[ What do you think Kibbles? ]

" Oh about what the old man said? As long as you don't tell him about Cupid and Rinura I think it will be okay. Oh probably don't mention Meowster Cupids gift either." Kibbles said after a moment.

I looked over to see his face covered in milk.

It seemed that Kibbles was really easy to win over.

" Grandfather. I am going to tell you a whole bunch of half truths. " I said after a moment.

" Oh?" Reo replied.

Ren and Ki both seemed to look up at me in unison their eyes sharp.

They too were curious.

" For your safety and for the safety of everyone I care about in Tama I must keep some secrets." I said quietly.

" For the good of Tama you say?" Reo said skeptically.

I nodded my head in response.

" I ask that you do not try and guess too much. Please trust me like I am trusting you right now." I replied and looked up at my grandfather.

He seemed to be in doubt but he nodded once in response.

" The first thing I want to say.. Is I can't marry Princess Rosli" I said after I took a big breath.

[ This was really the least of my problems. If he couldn't handle this much then the rest I would lie about ]

" You what?!" Reo said shocked.

Ren and Ki looked at me like I had just pulled down my pants and flashed them.

Their shock was almost as bad as Reo's who sat in a daze for a moment.

" And why is that?" Reo said after a trying his best to poker face.

" I don't...* cough* I don't like women." I said bluntly.

" Oh? Is that all you are still young! Of course you don't like women yet!" Reo said and belly laughed as he slapped his hand on the table.

[ I don't think he gets it. ]

I took in another deep breath.

" Grandfather. I would marry a prince before I married a princess" I said even more bluntly.

" Yes, Yes when I was your age I thought girls were icky too! You will grow out of it!" Reo said as a reflex.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in quite frustration.


If he wanted to be in denial it was better than me being thrown out of the family. So it was at least a start.

This was all going to be harder than I thought.

Ki and Ren both decided to keep quiet.

It was a family matter after all.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now