Chapter 68: Dumb Dumbs

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Kibbles was asleep on my lap as my legs begun to feel numb from the amount of travel we had done. Although it made me sigh in relief that we had made it to the halfway point the movement from the caravan was starting to make me motion sick.

"Wen do you think we could we stop for a break?" I said as I looked over at Wen who was reading a book.

He looked over at me from the top of his book and nodded before putting is hand out the window and making a stop motion with his hand.

"Halt" A soldier's voice called from the front of the carriages.

" We can't stop for too long young master. We should get back as soon as we can, although the roads seem clear for now there is no saying that spies or some rogue spirit beasts will not appear." Ki said quietly.

I nodded in response as Ki opened the carriage to allow me outside. We had stopped right by a beautifully vast farming area with a pond that was used to feed livestock. We must have taken a different route to the one that Sora and I had first taken.

[ Sora...]

I sighed in my heart and stretched my legs.

I looked around to see all of the soldiers were taken out provisions from their backpacks before sitting down near the caravan to eat.

[ They must have been feeling pretty tired walking next to horses.]

Wen had taken out a blanket from one of the carriages and placed in on the grass before inviting me to sit down. I think he was enjoying toying with me as I got various looks from the guards.

None of them were aware that I was a man. I thought about what they would do if they found out their lewd stares were pointed at general Reo's grandson and tried to stifle a laugh.

Ki had come to my side carrying a plate of snacks and some water. I looked at the snacks and found them to be quite unusual. The pastries themselves were all clear except for the centre that seemed to be a sort of jam.

I took a bite and found them to be very sweet.

"What were you giggling about?" Ki whispered in my ear.

I took another bite of the snack, chewed, swallowed and then explained my passing thought. Ki too had to stifle a laugh. I felt a stare on my back and turned around to see a guard staring in my direction. I assumed it was Ren and wondered if he felt left out.

I said to Wen in a feminine voice "have a guard sit closer to us. I am worried about the stories of bandits you were telling me Wen Wen" before pouting.

I swear some of the soldiers who had taken their helmets off had blushed. Ki took a big breath it she too must have noticed.

[ Dumb Dumbs!]

Wen seemed to catch on to what I was doing and called the guard who had been staring at us from behind. He stood up proud and tall holding a sharp blade that the auction house had lent him. It looked very masculine as he strolled over with his face covered.

"You having fun Yuna, my dear?" Wen had called to me in a flirtatious tone.

It took me a second to realise that Yuna was my code name until I could get out of this damn girls clothes and nodded my head to respond.

[ They will all pay for this]

"Please don't tease the young madam too much" Ki said is a disguised voice.

"Oh are you are a very protective hand maiden, is it perhaps a hint of jealousy?" Wen said cheekily in response.

"I am just a poor girl of lowly status. I'm much more suited to a guard then someone of your status sir, please do not tease me either." Ki as pitifully as she could.

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