Chapter 67: Memory Lane

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It was early morning and a cold breeze was flowing. Never in a million years did I ever think I would step outside in flowing gown and a vale to cover my hair and face. I have no idea how women could wear these things. The dress was tight on my chest and the vail made it hard to breathe.

I couldn't believe that Ki had done this to me. No even Ren could win again the Wen and Ki combo. Ki had even made it a point to style my hair like a noble lady. Although I passed as an angry looking girl I wasn't even slightly happy at the situation.

[ My poor masculinity]

Ren looked quite different in the auction house amour. From the tip of his head to the bottom of his toes he was covered in full amour. Ki was wearing an outfit that perfectly matched mine, except on closer inspection you could tell that the fabric was much cheaper.

I wasn't sure if Wen was in costume or not as he was as flamboyant as when I first met him.

Fine gold robes laced with the auction house logo intricately stitched onto the sleeves. To match he had a delicate black fan that he waved around like a some of the upper class I had seen at my birthday and his hair was tied up into a strong braid.

He looked very handsome and seemed to get quite a few stares as we made our way to the carriage that had been prepared for us. Kibbles was hiding under my long dress which made walking really awkward.

If you were to stand me next to a penguin right now I was sure we would look like a match. It was lucky we went ahead with our plan as there were people wearing hoods around the entrance of the auction house. They seemed to be searching for someone and it was most likely me.

[ I hope this stupid plan works!


Wen to my hand when we reached the carriage and like a perfect gentleman held my hand to help me up. Kibbles was quick enough to rush inside as I put my foot inside. I was hoping that no one spotted his quick movements.

Ki was next inside the carriage. Wen tried to offer his hand to her but she merely slapped it away and hopped inside without so much as blinking. I looked over at Ki and wondered exactly what this man had done to upset her so much.

Wen entered and Ren was stuck outside as the driver. I felt a bit bad at the seasons had started to warm and wondered if he would cook under his amour. I promised myself when we got back that I would find something delicious for him to try as a pity gift.

The carriage finally started to move. There were a few others carriages that were all filled with goods. There were mostly weapons and armor that was going to be sent to my grandfather. Each carriage had several guards so I figured we would be safe.

I absentmindedly looked out the window as Ki and Wen began to chat about the weather and other light topics. Before I spotted something over in the distance.

"Ki look out the window," I said quietly.

Ki looked out in the direction I was facing and saw the bandits beaten up on the side of the road. They were a real sorry site. Black eyes, bandages covering their head and most of them were begging or attempting to dance for money.

It was a really sad sight to see. In fact, I cringed looking at it. They did attack me earlier but then... they saved my life. I have no idea why they were begging but it was probably because they were too injured to steal.

As we were about to drive past them one called out to our carriage.

"Lady or Master please spare some coin, our boss uhm I mean our mother is injured and we need to pay the bill for her to be fixed," Said one of the bandits.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora