Chapter 53: What Is Black and What Is White?

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After what felt like a lifetime the pain had finally receded but the damage was already done. I weakly looked over at the burnt grass and ash that surrounded Kibbles and I. If we were sitting in the carriage, Ki and Ren would have died.

My eyes briefly looked over at Ki and Ren who wore shocked expressions on their faces before I looked at the small Kithun in my arms. He looked back at me before snuggling into my shoulder.

My clothes had been damaged by the fire that kibbles had created from his rank up but my skin was still as smooth as the day I was born.

I lifted up Kibbles with the utmost tenderness and care before I staggered back into the carriage with clumsy movements.

" Young Master are you okay?" Ren had said looking over me.

" Just drive the carriage. You should follow orders, right?" I said as acid dripped from each word.

" Enough Yuki! This isn't fair! " Ki replied angrily.

I looked down at the ground still holding Kibbles softly as if he could break apart any moment and stared at the pair.

" You could have told me? That's what friends do right?!" I replied.

" But young master our orders were to.." Ki spoke.

I cut her off completely and looked over to her " Orders huh? Are they more important than telling your friend that their mother had died before an emperor could tell them like they were listing their chores for the week?" I said self-deprecatingly.

" I was stupid enough to think of both you and Ren as my friends and then you SELL ME OFF TO THE EMPEROR? Without even a damn warning!?" Each word filled with grief.

" What do you mean Yuki? What exactly happened in there?" Ren said confused.

" You know exactly what happened. The marriage, the "new" position, right? You shouldn't start lying to me now... or wait you already hid things from me, it doesn't matter I guess when my Aikyo family name is all the matters to you right?" I started to laugh.

" Marriage?" Ren said as he held his hand over his face.

" Hahaha I guess grandfather doesn't tell his lackeys everything. The new emperor's decree is quite perfect for the empire. I am to be married as soon as I graduate and take over my father's position. It looks like the Tama doesn't even want to bury my mother or wait for my father to die before making me walk in their shoes!" I said each word sarcastically.

" I don't even like women, What the hell am I supposed to do marrying the princess, braid her damn hair!?" as soon as the words left my lips I realised I had mistakenly said the one thing I didn't want to say out loud.

" What did you just say?" Ren said shocked.

" Young Master?! Does that mean you.. you?" Ki said even more surprised.

" When did my feelings ever matter? Just drive the damn carriage like you were ordered to." I said without looking at either of them.


I hopped inside and closed the door with a bang, regret seemed to slip out of my pores like a flash flood in a desert.

" I don't want to see anyone right now, you Maid! Go sit in the front with my sword fighting instructor." I pointed at Ki and then at the front where Ren was driving.

"Yuki, it's going to be okay " Kibbles whispered in my brain weakly.

Ren and Ki seemingly shocked from everything I had said climbed in front without so much as a peep.

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