Chapter 76: Ren VS Riku

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Riku and Ren both looked super serious. In fact I had never seen the face Riku was putting on. His brows were forming peaks on his face and I could feel killing intent which made me shiver. Ren on the other hand swung his sword a few times I watched as the blade looked as if it had a mind of its own in Ren hands.

They are both really skilled.

[ I hope they are not planning to hurt each other ]

" Maybe this wasn't such a good idea." I said to Setsu.

" I think they are going to be fine!" Setsu replied as he watched on.

A cloud of this black mist formed over Ren making him look terrifying as he face began to skew. Riku on the other hand clapped his gloved hands and slowly pulled them away from each other as if they were magnets a deep blue arc of electricity formed.

" I'm gonna make you mince meat! " Ren shouted before he ran up to Riku.

" It's "going to" not gonna." retorted Riku with a look of concentration on his face.

" What was Riku like back in school?" I said to calm my nerves.

Setsu had a gleam in his eye as he replied " Oh big bro? Mom said he was a real rescal in school and picked a lot of fights."

" Riku was? Are we talking about the same person?" I said confused.

" Yeah he got the name thunder clap cause he slapped a senior who had said some mean stuff about our family with his arc magic" Setsu said as a cheeky grin washed over his face.

" I honestly couldn't imagine it." I replied as I looked over to watch the battle.

Ren had just made it to Riku's side as it looked like he teleported behind him.

Ren suddenly threw his sword to the side with a loud thump and tapped Riku on the shoulder.

" 1 Point!" Ren replied with a cheeky grin and back flipped away.

" Curses!" Riku replied and the electricity that was giving me goosebumps went away.

They both smiled at each other and started using movement techniques to try and grab at one another.

Riku was on the defensive at first as he tiptoed backwards as if he was walking on water. Ren then made a mistake and before he could correct it Riku grabbed his arm to stop him from tripping.

" 1 Point " Riku said and laughed.

I couldn't help but hold in a laugh as my face started to grin.

Both Ren and Riku looked over and smiled.

" Are you two going to duel with us or not?!" Riku said to both Setsu and I.

" What do you mean duel! You are playing tag!" I said unable to hold it in.

" Tag?" Ren, Sestu and Riku all said in unison.

" Yeah tag" I said blushing.

" Is this another fist bump like activity?!" Ren said excitedly.

" Uhh I guess." I responded trying to cover my tracks.

[ No tag here? Really!? ]

I explained the rules of tag about a person being " It" and having to tap another person so they could be "It" and have to chase the other. Setsu added in the ability to use your magic to try and get the other people to stop and a new game of Tama Tag was born.

I ended up being the first person to be " It" I felt like I was cheating as I willed one of the plants to grab Riku's foot before I tagged him.

Riku then used his thunder near Ren and spooked him before Ren was then tagged. This game when on for a few incense sticks of time before Ki and Riku's mother called us in for food.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now