Chapter 65: Salute

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After Ru had left I casually strolled over to the centre of the room and asked Ki to close the door. She seemed to wear an expression of relief as the door shut with a whispered slam.

Ki was standing near the entrance with her arm still bleeding down her slightly tattered outfit.

[ Well this is awkward]

"Why don't you talk to her Yuki?" Kibbles said as he jumped up on the bed that probably cost more than half of Nova.

[ I guess your right]

I walked up to Ki who was near the door in a slow stride. She stood up straighter than usual with her chest puffed out ready to hear any order I was about to give her. I only the other had was scrambling to come up with anything to say.

My mind had become so filled with thoughts that if I were to speak at this moment it would come out like a soup of unfiltered garbage.

[ I am not good at this]

A bead of sweat dripped down my brow.

As I was trying to decide the best was to approach the maid who had taken a beating for me after my poor behaviour there was a knock on the door.

It was the doctor that the auction house had summoned. They wore a yellow outfit that looked a lot like the uniform I had to wear when I visited the magic academy. I could see a three-star emblem emblazoned proudly on the chest pocket.

I realised that they must have been a magic academy student. I found it amazing that someone who was studying at the magic academy could be invited by such a high-class establishment to heal our wounds.

The light mages were the true doctors of this world.

They pull both Ki and me from the awkward moment that had begun since we had both spent some time alone. I looked over her long blonde hair that was covered in mud and pale skin that was covered in micro scars and sighed in my heart.

[It was really unfair of me... all of this.]

I felt like an idiot.

Although I had suffered I had made matters worse by acting out in such a way where the people I cared about also suffered.

Ren, Ki and even I could have died today.

Maybe, the only reason why Sora didn't kill me in the forest was due to him knowing that Ki and Ren were following me, even if did not.

I watched as Ki's dress was cut at the sleeve to reveal a rather revolting wound. It looked as if she had been stabbed with a toothed weapon. I cringed for her as I watched the doctor apply some medical herbs before they applied light magic to the wound.

Ki had flinched only once before she must have noticed I was watching and kept stone-faced ever since.

Next came in a maid that worse a similar outfit to what Ki normally wore. She carried in some fresh clothes for me as well as a maid's outfit for Ki.

I noticed that both Ki and the maid in question eyed each other off before Ki smiled, the maid had merely huffed and bowed politely in return to me before leaving.

"What was that about?" I said trying to remove the awkward atmosphere that had begun to reappear.

"You sure have been asking a lot of questions since we got here young master" Ki replied with a laugh.

"I won't let you brush me off this time, " I said with a laugh in return.

Although it was a small thing Ki and I laughing together had been the straw that broke the camels back. I couldn't hold back as I ran into Ki's arms and hugged her gently.

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