Chapter 42: Stuck ( Part 3)

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We spent the next few weeks setting up a place for us to stay, unfortunately, there was no sun and the soul scape was set in a constant state of ethereal twilight. This meant that both Kibbles and I have started to completely lose track of time.

On the first day if you could call it that we rested after we cleaned our wounds. We had gone back to the river and collected some water to boil. I had once watched a WeTube video on making your water safe to drink.

I wasn't actually sure boiling the water was needed due to being in a soul scape. As I thought about how bad my luck had been I decided to anyway. I didn't I would end up in a bush for thirty minutes praying to the porcelain horse gods for a reprieve.

Once we had secured water and cleaned our wounds Kibbles and I had fumbled together some fishing rods. This place in a lot of ways ended up being the equivalent of a school camp. We were fishing, building shelters as well as making devices to cook on.

I never went to a school camp. By high school back on Earth, I was getting bullied so much that I just decided to stay home. Who would want to spend a weekend with people who would put your head in a toilet?

I as a young adult always felt it was a shame I couldn't have just gone like normal kids and enjoyed myself. Back in those days, I wished I could be normal.

I would watch as all the students would be praised for being the smartest, or the strongest or the most handsome and there I was less than a nobody. A whipping boy for insecure kids having a bad day. Going through high school made me dread waking up in the morning.

In hindsight now, If I could tell my previous self that I would make lots of friends meet a family who loved me and become trapped with my cat in a forest, I don't think the old me would believe a word of it. Knowing all I do now...

[If I had to go through all of it again to be here I think I would.]

In fact, the soul scape has become really fun!

I watched as Kibbles was chasing a boar looking spirit beast with a spear. He was dashing from tree to tree as if he was born in the jungle. I had trouble keeping up with him so after an hour I shouted that I would go back to camp and wait for him.

We had turned the cave into a makeshift place to sleep and cook. Just outside the front of the cave was a campfire. Kibbles and I were not exactly sure what we were doing so it looked more like a hole in the ground covered with rocks and sticks.

Inside the cave, there were beds made out of leaves that we had found. Kibbles and I had no idea how to actually make some wilderness beds so they were more like hay that had been stacked into mounds. The beds were rather uncomfortable but better than nothing.

The lizard that had latched on to my face when we had first arrived was nicknamed " Puff " after a book that I had read as a child. It was still very annoying and clingy but it at least has helped find berries to eat on the rare occasion. It had become more of a house pet then Kibbles had ever been.

Watching it lazing near the front of the cave like an old guard dog had made me laugh on more than one occasion.

The Soul Scape itself was excellent for training, both my sword skills and reaction times had improved dramatically. Being chased by huge beasts or chasing tiny beasts to eat had become quite the norm.

We had broken a fair few sharpened sticks though.

I watched as Kibbles had finally come back with a smile on his face. The huge bore on his back made him look like he had superhuman strength.

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