Chapter 62: Doki Doki

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*** Ren's perspective ***

I had sat in a tree for the past few hours shivering in my wet clothes. I wasn't too happy about the arrangement since Ki and I had to sit back to back for warmth. We had just finished an argument that started when Yuki got attacked by the bandits.

[ Stupid wench! We should have helped Yuki!]

Watching Yuki get closer to that stranger and get clobbered by some bandits had really annoyed me. Who knows who that guy is and what he wants with Yuki. What if he is just trying to get closer so that jerk can hurt him.

[ Hasn't Yuki been through enough already? ]

I realised there were only a few days left before Ki and I were to drag back Yuki on Reo's order and it made my heart feel a little lighter. I ended taking turns with Ki to sleep through the night and guard.

I had watched the inside of the tree hollow that Yuki had been using like a hawk. I started to worry about whether or not a snake beast would get in during the night and it became hard to concentrate.

I thought back Yuki trying his best to figure out what he wants with his life and I felt almost ashamed. Since I grew up knowing nothing but a soldiers life I had always followed orders. I knew what Yuki was doing was stupid but I thought his bravery in fighting against his future was quite extraordinary.

[ What would I want to do if I wasn't a soldier? ]

I imagined myself serving drinks in a tavern or trying to bake bread and I had to stifle a laugh. Maybe I was always supposed to be a soldier but who I serve and what courses I point my sword at... They are my own.

I looked over at the rising sun and saw movement in the tree hollow. I shoved Ki to get her to wake up and she shook her head quickly.

" Is he being attacked?" Ki said quickly.

" No, they are beginning to move" I replied in a whisper.

" Activate your shadow magic so we can follow them" Ki replied.

" As you wish your highness," I said sarcastically.

[ Since when did she become boss? ]

We followed behind them in our wet clothes and I had cursed the fact that we could not light a fire. The sun was out and it was rather warm so when we finally made it to Nova we were dry.

" Doesn't he look excited?" Ki said as we walked inside alleys and kept an eye on the young master.

I looked over at Ki who had a travel hood on. She was currently linking arms with me. We were posing as a couple to avoid suspicion. She had a bright smile on her face as she watched the stern read headed child smiling.

" It is weird seeing him like this" I replied honestly.

"What do you mean?" Ki said in a questioning tone.

" I have never really seen him excited like this before. Do you think he has been happy with us?" I asked honestly.

" I'm not sure" Ki looked over at Yuki deep in thought.

I watched as Yuki looked at stalls with the green haired kid, they both seemed to be laughing and smiling happily. I merely shrugged deciding there was not much I could do about it. Ki only the other hand looked a little melancholy.

Finally, I watched as Yuki finally collected all the supplies they needed and headed to a small Inn. Ki and I waited until the coast was clear before we booked rooms on each side of Yuki's room.

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