Chapter 49: The Escape (Part 5)

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Cupid stroked Puff's head and nodded solemnly.

" I am sure you got my message on your Lubu Lubu device. However it is worse than I had originally imagined" Cupid replied.

" How so?" I said confused.

" I can't tell you all of the details but I want you to remember that there is nothing that you can do to stop what has already happened. The future however will always be in your hands." Cupid replied.

Cupid took Puff under his arm.

" Kibbles you are coming with me. " Cupid said as he stood up.

" Meowster? Where are we going?" Kibbles replied excitedly.

" Going to wake you up of course. This little thing will also need a memory wipe from the sounds of what happened. Even if you trust Puff, I don't want it asking too many questions when he wakes up. " Cupid said.

" What about me?" I responded while Cupid spoke as if I was not in the room.

" Don't you have to get your magic avatar? Kibbles will see you when you wake up. Try not to miss me too much. I wish our time together was longer but I have some errands to run." Cupid said.

" Oh and Yuki, I'm sorry." Cupid said after a moment of silence.

He walked up to me in large strides, with Puff still under his arm he hugged me. He was at least an arm span taller than me, so I was caught on his chest. I felt drawn to his warmth as my mind went blank.

As I took in his manly fragrance my cheeks flushed.

" What are you sorry for?" I mumbled into his clothes, my arms at my side unsure of what to do.

" For not being able to be with you more." Cupid responded in a deep tone. I felt a tinge of sadness well up inside of me.

His voice had sounded out of character from his usual flirty tone.

" Till we meet again Yuki" Cupid's voice trailed off and the warmth from his chest was replaced by a biting cold.

I looked around me and the cottage was gone, All I could see around me was frost and white flowers.

I wrapped my arms around me as my breath came out in a thick cloud.

" Till we meet again Cupid..." My voice trailed off and was carried by the frozen wind.

I suddenly realised how lonely it was. Even Kibbles complaining would have been a comfort for me as I made my way to the pulse from my magic avatar.

My heart began to beat to the sound of the thrum that was trembling under my feet. I walked in the snow in my torn clothes and sandals until I reached a frozen forest.

The leaves were all white on each tree and the trunks were an incandescent blue. My dark clothes and red hair stuck out like a sore thumb in the midst of the frozen world around me. In front of me were a few sets of eyes. They belonged to some furry white forest critters as they bounced away in different directions.

I saw a clearing up ahead and the thrum of my spirit avatar reached its peak. In front of my eyes was a pure white Stag sleeping on the forest floor in front of a massive white tree.

Covering the beast's massive horns were were red, black and green vines that wrapped around the bone like accessories in the hair of a rich woman. They were pale in colour and did not distract the eye at all from the majestic beasts full form.

I forgot to breath as a noticed it had no eyes. It's hooves gave off a pale green glow and its entire body was covered in pastel green runes.

The stag was breathtakingly beautiful in the pure white world.

PSAIG Please stay away I'm Gay! Book 2Where stories live. Discover now