Chapter 48: The Escape (Part 4)

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The ground underneath our feet sprung to life as we walked. At first it was a sprout here or there but then the whole area underneath the skies bright light had began to grow. There were small buds that pushed through the dark earth pushing their way out to meet the bright light.

The plain that was once barren still looked like a sorry sight. It was still in a lot of ways not and beautiful as what I had seen once I first arrived into the soulscape. This plain however had truly started to heal.

Kibbles looked around. The smile on his face seemed unable to leave as he held his belly happily. Puff merely tried his best not to stand on the newly growing sprouts.

We continued walking for a few hours taking in the sites and sounds as we walked. The pulse had been getting steadily stronger in my ears.

Bu Dum!


Bu Dum!


The pulse was steady like a heartbeat, I followed it almost in a trance like state until Kibbles had pulled me backwards.

" Woah! Yuki! How did you almost miss a mountain!?" Kibble cried as I snapped out of my daze.

I looked in front of me to see that I had almost bumped into a wall made of rock and earth. Looking up I noticed it was not actually a wall like I had first thought but the start of a steep climb into the heavens.

I looked over at Puff and Kibbles.

" Uh.. sorry, I didn't realise where we were for a minute" I said before scratching the back of my head in embarrassment.

" Hmm is your avatar on the mountain or behind it Yuki, close your eyes and focus!" Puff said like a teacher giving their pupil some advice.

I closed my eyes and focused just as Puff had mentioned. It took me a while but it sort of felt like I could almost see a bright green light way up on the mountain. It blinked like a star in the darkness behind my eyes.

" It's there" I said with my eyes still closed as I pointed upwards.

" We have to climb this thing?!" Kibbles complained.

" Looks like it" I responded flatly as I opened my eyes again.

" hmmm" Puff had hummed.

" Wait a moment" Puff said after a little bit of time had passed.

He closed his eyes and his massive form began to visibly shrink, until he was the size that I had first met him. I looked back almost with nostalgia remembering how he had latched onto my face during our first encounter.

[ The great and mighty elder ent about to hitch a ride huh?]

I looked at Puff's form and giggled.

Puff had then checked its features before jumping on Kibbles head and making a nest.

" Why me?! Climb on Yuki!" Kibbles complained again.

" Quite sapling, In my true form you would be begging just to hold a scale!" Puff said indignantly.

Kibbles obviously unable to hear him tried to swat Puff away. Puff merely used its tail to hit the back of Kibbles head.

" Alright, Alright I get it!" Kibbles said in defeat as he held his head. Puff stood on Kibbles triumphantly.

I used some cloth from my tattered clothing to make some makeshift gloves for myself. Kibbles watching from the side followed suit.

I had never been one for heights but knowing that this was the only way out I took a deep breath before clinging onto the mountain

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