Chapter 56: A Gentle Breeze

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I waited until darkness had kissed the horizon and the twin moons lit up the sky as beacons for the various insects that were chirping their love songs in unison. There was soo much going on in this time of my life but one thing was for certain. I needed to get out of here. This whole building was suffocating me. The marriage, my parents, the people in my life were harder to swallow pills than being transported to Tama in the first place.

I took one last look at everything I had packed. The sword Ren had bequeathed me, shimmered in my hand before I sheathed it. My pack was heavy but not heavy enough to cause problems as I threw it on my back and covered it with a cloak.

Kibbles suddenly ran off the bed and climbed his way on to the top of my bag, before hiding himself under my cloak.

I put the hood over my face to cover my head.

It was now or never.

I checked to see if there were any patrols nearby as I slipped out my window. I focused my wood magic into my shoes to stop my feet from crunching on the grass. I was lucky enough to be placed on the ground floor.

I dodged behind a nearby tree as I heard the click of an armed guard coming around the corner.

[ Please don't find me ]

I held my breath and tried to make my presence as small as I could. It was a narrow miss but he had walked straight passed me. After a few more patrols had passed I jumped over the fence and ran out to the trees that lined the side of the road.

I couldn't see anyone following me so I smiled.

" Kibbles we did it!" I said in an excited whisper.

Although it felt a little to easy to escape I was grateful that I was able to. I did not wish to jinx myself and I was glad it all worked out.

" Are you sure we should leave? " Kibbles replied.

" Of course! Now, where should we go?" I said thinking to myself as we followed the road.

Kibbles and I chatted back and forth for a few hours before we settled on finding the nearest town that had a map. We had walked quite a distance away from the estate so it was safe to light a fire for the night.

The twin moons were quite a distance up in the sky. I approximated that it would be about 3 am right now. We set up a small fire in a quite bit of forest and laid down to rest. Before I knew it I was awoken by the condensation on my clothes and a small ray of light on my face.

The plants around me seemed to be waking up too as they hummed a song through the air. It was a very beautiful morning. Some small spirit beasts were walking past us at a little distance away. Their tiny feet could be heard rustling through the leaf litter.

" Good morning Young Master Kibbles" I said sweetly to the little rascal who had curled up next to me still snoring away.

" Five more minutes" he murmured in response.

I couldn't help myself as I quietly laughed and picked up the Kithun who was using my cloak as a blanket. He reminded me of a picture I had seen on the internet back on earth that showed a really long housecat. Kibble's feet dangled down as he opened his eyes and sleepily glanced at me.

" You want some breakfast? We are going to have to hunt for some!" I said to Kibbles and rubbed my face against him.

His soft fur was tickling my nose and it cheered me up quite a bit.

" BREAKFAST!?" The Kithun's eyes shot open as he shouted.

He wiggled out of my arms and sniffed the air before Kibble's little ears twitched.

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