Chapter 32: Unexpected Guests

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Ki had come into my room and stood near the end of my bed. We had no candles lit, As I had looked over all I could see was a vague impression of her against the moon shine as if half of her body was drawn in pale light.

Her hair was tied up in a impeccable top bun, her simple dress that she wore tonight seemed to cascade her body like a waterfall. She wore no jewelry or accessories but it only seemed to heighten her beauty.

She had walked over to a candle as I had still been in a daze trying her best to take light steps as if trying not to disturb my thoughts. I caught myself stroking Kibbles unconsciously.

She had lit a candle.

" Young master" She had said softly.

I looked up at her as and watched her eyes be accentuated by the candle line forming slight shadows on her face. I caught myself staring at her after a moment then nodded my head.

" Are you okay is the party too much? I should have told you but it was a surprise... " Ki said apologetically in a soft tone.

[ Sure the party or just dying.. Take your pick! ]

I let her think it was merely me being overwhelmed by the party.

" I will be okay, thanks for checking up on me, I just needed a moment!" I said as the slit under my nose rose into its usual fake formation.

" Oh? It's Kibbles awake! I am so glad Ren will be happy too!" Said Ki as she looked down at the Kithun that was staring at her. She smiled broadly and clapped her hands together to change the depressed mood in the air.

The air lighted and I remembered to breath out the air that was caught in my lungs.

" Right, did you need me for something? I will be back inside in a moment." I said as I pulled myself together as best as I could.

" Mm it seems someone very special has turned up and is waiting for you in the hall, please follow me young master so I can present you to them!" Ki said as she tried her best tone to cheer me up.

" Oh Ki.. one other thing." I said as I put Kibbles on the floor and stood up. Kibbles seemed to stand near my feet for a moment before jumping on my shoulder with a grand leap.

Ki looked at me expecting my next words.

" You look lovely tonight, I am sure you will make any person you choose to be with very happy!" I said as I took one last look at her immaculate hair.

[ That should stop any more questions! ]

" Wa.. wa wa what! Um thank you young master! I appreciate it, Your father had given me the day off to celebrate your birthday.. I umm um" Ki said as she stumbled through her sentence she held her cheeks in a daze.

" Meowster, you sure are sneaky! " Kibbles said telepathically.

[ Sneaky your foot! I just didn't want to talk about stuff you know. I can hear you again.. It was lonely without you Kibbles. I am truly glad you are back! ]

" Me too! I am sorry you got hurt while Meowster Cupid was repairing me, we are connected through our minds and now souls.. I guess not even someone as powerful as Meowster can predict everything" Kibbles replied like ring in my head.

Ki had finally snapped out of her daze and went to pat me on the head before she stopped herself at the last moment, flinching away. She then had coughed once and opened the door for me to exit.

Kibbles rubbed its face up against mine and we then walked through the door. People from a distance would have seen a young boy standing next to a person that was eye catching like a pearl.

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