Chapter 41: Stuck (Part 2)

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We had finally found a place to rest in this hell hole of a soul scape. We had managed to fumble our way to a cave that had been covered by vines. I had checked inside it to look for any signs of the previous inhabitance but luckily there were none.

It was a cave large enough for Kibbles and myself. We had made sure to cover our tracks as best we could. ( Not that Kibbles or I knew what we were doing) and finally took a well-earned break.

We had created a small fire using sticks and twigs after an hour or so of trying. We then created a makeshift clothes horse to dry our clothing.

I was in the middle of inspecting my wounds when I looked over to see Kibbles doing the unthinkable.

" Kibbles, do not lick your wounds they will get infected!" I said sternly.

" Infected?!" Kibbles said confused mid-lick of his arm.

I looked over to see kibbles who was wearing nothing but underpants attempting to lick his own body like a cat, I was equal parts confused and terrified.

" If you want your limbs to go green and fall off your welcome to keep doing that! " I said before looking away.

" I always lick myself! " Kibbles said in a huff.

" As a cat is is fine, but being mostly human at the moment ...." is all I could muster in response.

" How do I get clean then?!" Kibbles responded confused.

" You bathe" I replied.

" Oh, when you get in that wooden box? We don't have one though!" Kibbles said as he shifted closer to the fire.

He warmed his hands while his tail curled around his knees.

" We will have to wait until our clothes are dry then look for some food and a way to carry some water to boil" I replied to his questions.

" Meowster..." Kibbles said as he stared at the fire.

I nodded trying my best to stop the frustration building up.

" Are you angry at me? " Kibbles said as his ears drooped.

His stomach began to rumble and his face became a warm shade. Kibbles hid his head in his knees like a child in trouble.

[ Uhhh why do I always feel like the bad guy! ]

I sighed before walking over and wrapping an arm around Kibbles. The warmth of his skin was heating my arm up.

If someone were to look at us both covered in cuts and bruises curled up by a fire back on earth, I wonder if the police would have been called for child neglect.

The thought in my head made me laugh dejectedly.

" I'm not angry at you Kibbles.." I said firmly before being cut off by Kibbles.

His voice sounded muffled as he spoke through his knees.

" But I didn't help you fight and I couldn't run properly so you had to carry me and you even said that the lizard you found was better! Are you going to replace me when we get out of the soul scape!? " Kibbles said as he looked up from his knees.

Tears had formed on his face as he his nose became slightly stuffy.

Kibbles then looked at the Lizard that was perched on the nearby rock and glared at him before putting his head back in his knees.

[ Uh...]

I had to think quickly and come up with an answer that was satisfactory. Upon reflection, I realised I had been a bit hard on Kibbles. It was not like he had been practising fighting like I had or walked in his semi-human form.

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