Chapter 36: Testing Grounds (Part 1)

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[ Urgh I look like an angry Christmas tree ]

I stared down at the robe that Lady Yu had given me, it was a deep forest green with black cuffs that lined the edges. A black sash tied it all together. For my hair, I had tied it back so that it hung neatly from the back of my head.

Since my hair is wild and red and my skin is pale, the outfit accentuated my features to an extreme degree. I looked at myself in the polished bronze mirror for a moment.

Kibbles was happily resting on my bed, so I gave him a small pat before I left. Petting him seemed to ease the growing annoyance growing in my belly.

I walked outside to be greeted by Yu who had pulled a fan out at some point in time and waved it near her face.

" Oh, much better! I can have you follow me around without feeling queasy, we shall now mount my carriage and head to the academy." Lady Yu said before nodding.

" May I ask why I must wear this outfit? Is there a purpose?" I said while having a bellyful of complaints towards my terrible outfit.

" Purpose, of course there is a purpose! You are an earth mage apprentice, you need earth mage attire." Yu said before walking towards the north exit.

[ That explains it, I didn't think she would actually be kind enough to just hand me clothes ]

We headed towards the most expensive carriage I had ever seen. It was white and seemed to be covered head to toe in thick silver runes. The wood that it was crafted from seemed to give off the fresh scent of flowers. I could smell what could be only described as spring even from the distance I stood.

The carriage was rather large and was being pulled by some two spirit beasts. They were both black in colour. The front part of the beasts looked very much like a horse with the front legs and head attached, however, the rear part was that of a snake. I didn't have too much time to think about how it moved before I was at the carriage door.

As I entered I noticed the inside was covered in a red velvet, the seats were slightly raised as they must have had padding in them and there was a small fold out table on the side of the other door that had cupcakes and tea served on it.

[ I wonder why my family doesn't have a carriage like this ]

I sat across from Lady Yu and she offered me some tea and cupcakes, I politely declined due to nerves. She looked at me as the carriage began to move and said " Young man, these cupcakes are imbued with the finest medical ingredients to stimulate the growth of the magic organ, and this tea has been made with the leaves of a level 6 flower beast. I suggest you ingest some, I do not believe you will be able to partake in such a thing again."

[ A spirit beast tea? Organ fixing cupcakes? Woah! ]

Lady Yu's face formed a wide grin.

" Come along now eat up! " She said as she once again pointed to the cakes.

[ I guess I better at least try them..]

My gluttonous side got the best of me as I thought back to all the interesting food I had been eating since I got here and I reached for the teapot.

" Lady Yu, would you care for some tea? " I said in my most polite tone.

" Oh? You are not as dumb as you look. Yes, I would love some tea" Lady Yu retorted.

Lifting up a cup and placing it on the side table, I poured the madam a cup before I poured myself one. I realised as I was putting the teapot away that the liquid in the glasses wasn't moving in the slightest.

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