Chapter: 15

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Sometimes even when everything around you is right, but still, you have this feeling of dread that something is about to happen... something bad. That is exactly how I am feeling. 

Since I have woke up there is a bad feeling in my heart which is hard for me to ignore. 

I have finished household chores in half time than usual. Even I have mowed the front and the backyard lawn. But nothing is helping me to alleviate this strange feeling which is burdening me from inside.

Pops had told me last night that he has some work in another town and he will leave early in the morning. So when I woke up, he has already left. I don't like when he overworks himself, many times I have asked him to let me help him. But that old stubborn man just refuses.

I check my phone in the hope to hear something from Pops. He usually texts me whenever he is out for work. 

Taking a shower, I change into jeans and a t-shirt then I start to sort out my closet, just for the sake of keeping my mind occupied. I leave arranging my closet and answer the door when I hear the doorbell. 

"Avery?" A guy in maybe his early twenties asks, as soon as I open the door.

"Yes," I nod my head.

"I am Mason," he gives me a small nervous smile, "and I work for Mr. Anderson."

"Okay, so what can I do for you?" 

"Avery, Mr. Anderson has been into an accident, while he was returning back," he hesitantly speaks, gauging my reaction,  "A car from the opposite track t-boned his truck."

Hearing this it seems like my whole world has stopped. 

"He is at the hospital," he sympathetically looks at me, "I am here to take you to the hospital."

"Thanks for informing, Mason," I manage to say in a steady voice, which is a miracle in itself as I shaking from inside, "I will just grab my keys," I walk back inside the house and grab the keys. 

Then running back to my room I keep some cash along with my card in my pocket, heading outside, where Mason is waiting for me.

Pops... My Pops... Accident.

These words are running in loops in my head. From outside I may be looking calm and composed, but in reality, I am shaking like a leaf from inside. 

By the time we reach hospital my heart is in my throat. 

Please let him be fine.

Parking the car in the nearest parking spot, Mason directly leads me to the waiting area. 

With each step, the heaviness in my chest increases to the point that it becomes difficult for me to breathe.

The moment we reach there, a nurse comes out of the room where Pops must be going through examination.

"Who is with Mr. Anderson?" she asks as she looks around the barely occupied waiting area.

"I am," I quickly say, "I am his granddaughter."

"We need your signatures on some of these papers," she hands me a clipboard and a pen, "We need to conduct some necessary test, but before that these formalities need to be completed."

All my movements are robotic, it is like I am working on an autopilot mode. After completing the formalities, I hand back the papers to her.

"He is going to be fine,  right?" I bite inside of my cheeks as I ask her, "There is nothing to be worried about, eh?" 

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